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Download PDF BASICS OF and Beyond MATLAB by Andrew Knight


Matlab is a software package that lets you do mathematics and computation, analyse data, develop algorithms, do simulation and modelling, and produce graphical displays and graphical user interfaces. To run matlab on a PC double-click on the matlab icon. To run matlab on a unix system, type matlab at the prompt. You get matlab to do things for you by typing in commands. matlab prompts you with two greater-than signs (>>) when it is ready to accept a command from you. To end a matlab session type quit or exit at the matlab prompt. You can type help at the matlab prompt, or pull down the Help menu on a PC.

You can learn how to use any matlab command by typing help followed by the name of the command, for example, help sin. You can also use the lookfor command, which searches the help entries for all matlab commands for a particular word. For example, if you want to know which matlab functions to use for spectral analysis, you could type lookfor spectrum. matlab responds with the names of the commands that have the searched word in the first line of the help entry. You can search the entire help entry for all matlab commands by typing lookfor -all keyword .


  1. First Steps in MATLAB
  2. Typing into MATLAB
  3. Matrices
  4. Basic Graphics
  5. More Matrix Algebra
  6. Basic Data Analysis
  7. Graphics of Functions of Two Variables
  8. M-Files
  9. Data Files
  10. Directories
  11. Startup
  12. Using MATLAB on Different Platforms
  13. Log Scales
  14. Curve Fitting—Matrix Division
  15. Missing Data
  16. Polar Plots
  17. Fourier Transform
  18. Power Spectrum
  19. Sounds in MATLAB
  20. Time-Frequency Analysis
  21. Line Animation
  22. SPTool
  23. Handle Graphics
  24. Demos
  25. Sparse Arrays
  26. Text Strings
  27. Cell Arrays
  28. Structures
  29. Multidimensional Arrays
  30. Saving and Loading Data
  31. Handle Graphics
  32. Axes Effects
  33. Text in Graphics
  34. Graphical User Interfaces
  35. Printing Graphics
  36. Irregular Grids
  37. Three-dimensional Modelling
  38. MATLAB Programming

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