A circuit containing energy storage devices (inductors and capacitors) is said to be an nth-order circuit, and the differential equation describing the circuit is an nth-order differential equation. For example, if a circuit contains an inductor and a capacitor, or two capacitors or two inductors, along with other devices such as resistors, it is said to be a second-order circuit and the differential equation that describes it is a second order differential equation. It is possible, however, to describe a circuit having two energy storage devices with a set of two first-order differential equations, a circuit which has three energy storage devices with a set of three first-order differential equations and so on. These are called state equations* but these will not be discussed here
- Order Circuits
- Resonance
- Elementary Signals
- The Laplace Transformation
- The Inverse Laplace Transformation
- Circuit Analysis with Laplace Transforms
- Frequency Response and Bode Plots
- Self and Mutual Inductances - Transformers
- One- and Two-port Networks
- Three-Phase Systems
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