I first th ought about adding a CNC router to my too l collection after finishing a kitchen cabinet renovation in my home. I refaced the cabinets and bui lt 26 new doors. during which I discovered that door building can become monotonou s at best. As always happens when you tell or show yo ur friends and family what you have done, someone wi ll have a similar project and enlist your help . That someone was my friend Geoff S. He wanted to do the same thing to his kitchen-reface and install new cabinet doors. I agreed to help him and he decided on a style of door that can be made from one piece of material cut to size and routed to create the look he wanted . Of course the prospect of bu ilding a who le Jot of doors and making templates to facilitate the routing wasn't too thrilling. That's when I thought a small CNC machine would come in handy. All th e repetitive routing could be asslgned to the CNC machine and the doors would more closely resemble each other once human error had been removed from the equation. Now the project didn't seem too bad at all!
- Design
- Electronics
- Making the Printed Circuit Board
- Driver Assembly
- Softwa re Setup and Driver Testing
- The Frame
- The Gantry and X-axis
- The Z and Y Axes
- Motor and Lead Screw Installation
- File Creation and KCam
- Tool Holders and Testing
- Examples
- Sources of Material
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