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Download PDF The C+ + Programming Language Third Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup


The introductory chapters provide an example of a general technique that is applied throughout this book: to enable a more direct and realistic discussion of some technique or feature, I occasionally present a concept briefly at first and then discuss it in depth later. This approach allows me to present concrete examples before a more general treatment of a topic. Thus, the organization of this book reflects the observation that we usually learn best by progressing from the concrete to the abstract – even where the abstract seems simple and obvious in retrospect.

Part I describes the subset of C++ that supports the styles of programming traditionally done in C or Pascal. It covers fundamental types, expressions, and control structures for C++ programs. Modularity – as supported by namespaces, source files, and exception handling – is also discussed. I assume that you are familiar with the fundamental programming concepts used in Part I. For example, I explain C++’s facilities for expressing recursion and iteration, but I do not spend much time explaining how these concepts are useful.

Part II describes C++’s facilities for defining and using new types. Concrete and abstract classes (interfaces) are presented here (Chapter 10, Chapter 12), together with operator overloading (Chapter 11), polymorphism, and the use of class hierarchies (Chapter 12, Chapter 15). Chapter 13 presents templates, that is, C++’s facilities for defining families of types and functions. It demonstrates the basic techniques used to provide containers, such as lists, and to support generic programming. Chapter 14 presents exception handling, discusses techniques for error handling, and presents strategies for fault tolerance. I assume that you either aren’t well acquainted with objectoriented programming and generic programming or could benefit from an explanation of how the main abstraction techniques are supported by C++. Thus, I don’t just present the language features supporting the abstraction techniques; I also explain the techniques themselves. Part IV goes further in this direction.

Part III presents the C++ standard library. The aim is to provide an understanding of how to use the library, to demonstrate general design and programming techniques, and to show how to extend the library. The library provides containers (such as l i s t , v e c t o r , and m a p ; Chapter 16, Chapter 17), standard algorithms (such as s o r t , f i n d , and m e r g e ; Chapter 18, Chapter 19), strings (Chapter 20), Input/Output (Chapter 21), and support for numerical computation (Chapter 22). Part IV discusses issues that arise when C++ is used in the design and implementation of large software systems. Chapter 23 concentrates on design and management issues. Chapter 24 discusses the relation between the C++ programming language and design issues. Chapter 25 presents some ways of using classes in design.


  1. Introductory Material
  2. Notes to the Reader
  3. A Tour of C++
  4. A Tour of the Standard Library
  5. Basic Facilities
  6. Types and Declarations
  7. Pointers, Arrays, and Structures
  8. Expressions and Statements
  9. Functions
  10. Namespaces and Exceptions
  11. Source Files and Programs
  12. Abstraction Mechanisms
  13. Classes
  14. Operator Overloading
  15. Derived Classes
  16. Templates
  17. Exception Handling
  18. Class Hierarchies
  19. The Standard Library
  20. Library Organization and Containers
  21. Standard Containers
  22. Algorithms and Function Objects
  23. Iterators and Allocators
  24. Strings
  25. Streams
  26. Numerics
  27. Design Using C++
  28. Development and Design
  29. Design and Programming
  30. Roles of Classes

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