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Download PDF Critical Companion TO William Butler Yeats A Literary Reference to His Life and Work by David A. Ross


The most difficult question to ask about any writer is what he or she has to teach us. The instinct that we are being taught does not easily translate into an understanding of what we are being taught. It is particularly difficult to find a transparent and consistent meaning in Yeats, who is more than usually protean and abundant as well as occasionally obscure. We must each find our own wisdom in Yeats, heeding those peculiar resonances that seem our own thought returned to us “with a certain alienated majesty,” as Emerson has it. My own mind lingers, as if sensing clues to its own nature, on the paean to custom and ceremony that ends “A Prayer for my Daughter”; on Yeats’s heart-sore beckoning to the honey-bees in “The Stare’s Nest by my Window”; on the momentous arrival at self-absolution in “A Dialogue of Self and Soul”; on the empty saddle and darkening flood that grieve for civilization in “Coole and Ballylee, 1931”; and on any number of vatic pronouncements, the most mysterious and alluring of which is to be found in Per Amica Silentia Lunae: “I shall find the dark grow luminous, the void fruitful when I understand I have nothing, that the ringers in the tower have appointed for the hymen of the soul a passing bell.”


  1. Introduction
  2. Biography
  3. Yeats’s Works
  4. The Complete Plays and Dramatic Poems
  5. Selected Fiction and Prose
  6. People, Places, and Ideas

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