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Download PDF The Elements of C++ Style by Trevor Misfeldt


The syntax of a programming language tells you what code it is possible to write—what machines will understand. Style tells you what you ought to write—what humans reading the code will understand. Code written with a consistent, simple style is maintainable, robust, and contains fewer bugs. Code written with no regard to style contains more bugs, and may simpl be thrown away and rewritten rather than maintained.
Attending to style is particularly important when developing as a team. Consistent style facilitates communication, because it enables team members to read and understand each other’s work more easily. In our experience, the value of consistent programming style grows exponentially with the number of people working with the code.


  1.  Introduction
  2. General Principles
  3. Formatting Conventions
  4. Naming Conventions
  5. Documentation Conventions
  6. Programming Principles
  7. Programming Conventions
  8. Packaging Conventions

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