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Download PDF Calculus Seventh Edition by JAMES STEWART


Reading a calculus textbook is different from reading a newspaper or a novel, or even a physics book. Don’t be discouraged if you have to read a passage more than once in order to understand it. You should have pencil and paper and calculator at hand to sketch a diagram or make a calculation. Some students start by trying their homework problems and read the text only if they get stuck on an exercise. I suggest that a far better plan is to read and understand a section of the text before attempting the exercises. In particular, you should look at the definitions to see the exact meanings of the terms. And before you read each example, I suggest that you cover up the solution and try solving the problem yourself. You’ll get a lot more from looking at the solution if you do so.

Part of the aim of this course is to train you to think logically. Learn to write the solutions of the exercises in a connected, step-by-step fashion with explanatory sentences—not just a string of disconnected equations or formulas. The answers to the odd-numbered exercises appear at the back of the book, in Appendix I. Some exercises ask for a verbal explanation or interpretation or description. In such cases there is no single correct way of expressing the answer, so don’t worry that you haven’t found the definitive answer. In addition, there are often several different forms in which to express a numerical or algebraic answer, so if your answer differs from mine, don’t immediately assume you’re wrong. For example, if the answer given in the back of the book is and you obtain , then you’re right and rationalizing the denominator will show that the answers are equivalent. The icon;indicates an exercise that definitely requires the use of either a graphing calculator or a computer with graphing software. (Appendix G discusses the use of these graphing devices and some of the pitfalls that you may encounter.) But that doesn’t mean that graphing devices can’t be used to check your work on the other exercises as well. The symbol is 1 (1 s2) s2 1 CAS reserved for problems in which the full resources of a computer algebra system (like Derive, Maple, Mathematica, or the TI-89/92) are required. You will also encounter the symbol |, which warns you against committing an error. I have placed this symbol in the margin in situations where I have observed that a large proportion of my students tend to make the same mistake. Tools for Enriching Calculus, which is a companion to this text, is referred to by means of the symbol and can be accessed in Enhanced WebAssign and CourseMate (selected Visuals and Modules are available at www.stewartcalculus.com). It directs you to modules in which you can explore aspects of calculus for which the computer is particularly useful. Homework Hints for representative exercises are indicated by printing the exercise number in red: 5. These hints can be found on stewartcalculus.com as well as Enhanced WebAssign and CourseMate. The homework hints ask you questions that allow you to make progress toward a solution without actually giving you the answer. You need to pursue each hint in an active manner with pencil and paper to work out the details. If a particular hint doesn’t enable you to solve the problem, you can click to reveal the next hint.

I recommend that you keep this book for reference purposes after you finish the course. Because you will likely forget some of the specific details of calculus, the book will serve as a useful reminder when you need to use calculus in subsequent courses. And, because this book contains more material than can be covered in any one course, it can also serve as a valuable resource for a working scientist or engineer. Calculus is an exciting subject, justly considered to be one of the greatest achievements of the human intellect. I hope you
will discover that it is not only useful but also intrinsically beautiful.

  1. Functions and Limits
  2. Derivatives
  3. Applications of Differentiation
  4. Integrals
  5. Applications of Integration
  6. Inverse Functions
  7. Techniques of Integration
  8. Further Applications of Integration
  9. Differential Equations
  10. Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates
  11. Infinite Sequences and Series
  12. Vectors and the Geometry of Space
  13. Vector Functions
  14. Partial Derivatives
  15. Multiple Integrals
  16. Vector Calculus
  17. Second-Order Differential Equations

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