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Download PDF International Handbook of Personal Construct Psychology by Fay Fransella


George Kelly launched his revolutionary ideas about the nature of being human nearly fifty years ago upon a world ill-prepared to receive them. This book is evidence that the value of those ideas has not only been seen by those who are primarily academics but also by those who are primarily practitioners. And not only by psychologists, but by those in many other walks of life. So widespread has the interest in personal construct psychology become, that this book does not and cannot provide a complete coverage of personal construct work or of areas in which such work is relevant. To give as wide a coverage as possible, Section X consists of two chapters, in one of which five authors give ‘tasters’ of their own area of expertise. It was Kelly’s view that the validity of any theory was shown by its usefulness. If that is so, then this book is evidence of the validity of personal construct theory.

Naturally, Kelly’s ideas permeate the book. But it was also felt that it might be interesting to have each chapter begin with a quotation from some of his work that was pertinent for that chapter. Even today, some of his ideas are still novel. One major aim of the book is to show that Kelly’s ideas are not being regarded as a creed but that people are all the time extending them and using them in ways not thought of in 1955.


  1. The Psychology of Personal Constructs and its Philosophy
  2. Beliefs, Feelings and Awareness
  3. From Theory to Practice
  4. Development and Education
  5. Understanding Organizations
  6. Philosophical and Religious Influences on the Thinking of George Kelly
  7. Living with Personal Construct Psychology: Personal Accounts
  8. Reaching Out

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