This chapter will give you a little background on artificial intelligence in academic, traditional domains, and game specific applications. We'll learn how the application and implementation of AI in games is different from other domains, and the important and special requirements for AI in games. We'll also explore the basic
techniques of AI used in games. This chapter will serve as a reference for later chapters, where we'll implement those AI techniques in Unity.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Living organisms such as animals and humans have some sort of intelligence that helps us in making a particular decision to perform something. On the other hand, computers are just electronic devices that can accept data, perform logical and mathematical operations at high speeds, and output the results. So, Artificial
Intelligence (AI) is essentially the subject of making computers able to think and decide like living organisms to perform specific operations.
So, apparently this is a huge subject. And there's no way that such a small book will be able to cover everything related to AI. But it is really important to understand the basics of AI being used in different domains. AI is just a general term; its implementations and applications are different for different purposes, solving different sets of problems.
AI in games
Game AI needs to complement the quality of a game. For that we need to understand the fundamental requirement that every game must have. The answer should be easy. It is the fun factor. So, what makes a game fun to play? This is the subject of game design, and a good reference is The Art of Game Design by Jesse Schell. Let's attempt to tackle this question without going deep into game design topics. We'll find that a challenging game is indeed fun to play. Let me repeat: it's about making a game challenging. This means the game should not be so difficult that it's impossible for the player to beat the opponent, or too easy to win. Finding the right challenge level is the key to make a game fun to play.
- Introduction to AI
- Finite State Machines
- Random and Probability
- Implementing Sensors
- Flocking
- Path Following and Steering Behaviors
- A* Pathfinding
- Navigation Mesh
- Behavior Trees
- Putting It All Together
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