Microprocessors and microcontrollers are widely used in the world today. They are used in everyday electronic systems, be it systems used in industry or systems used by consumers. Complex electronic systems such as computers, ATM machines, POS systems, financial systems, transaction systems, control systems, and database systems all use some form of microcontroller or microprocessor as the core of their system. Consumer electronic systems such as home security systems, chip-based credit cards, microwave ovens, cars, cell phones, PDAs, refrigerators, and other daily appliances have within the core of their systems either a microcontroller or microprocessor. What are microcontrollers and microprocessors? If they are such a big part of our daily lives, what exactly are their function? Microprocessors and microcontrollers are very similar in nature. In fact, from a top level perspective, a microprocessor is the core of a microcontroller. Amicrocontroller basically consists of a microprocessor as its central processing unit (CPU) with peripheral logic surrounding the microprocessor core. As such it can be viewed that a microprocessor is
the building block for a microcontroller (Figure 1.1). Amicrocontroller has many uses. It is commonly used to provide a system level solution for things such as controlling a car’s electronic system, home security systems, ATM system, communication systems, daily consumer appliances (such as microwave oven, washing machine), and many others.
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