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Download PDF Analytical Chemistry Theoretical and Metrological Fundamentals by K. Danzer


Analytical chemistry is one of the oldest scientiˇc disciplines. Its history can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians, about four to ˇve thousand years ago (Szabadvary [1966], Malissa [1987], Yordanov [1987]). But notwithstanding its long history, analytical chemistry is always an essential factor in the development of modern scientiˇc and industrialised society. The development of chemistry itself has progressed signiˇcantly by analytical ˇndings over several centuries. Fundamental knowledge of general chemistry is based on analytical studies, the laws of simple and multiple proportions as well as the law of mass action. Most of the chemical elements have been discovered by the application of analytical chemistry, at ˇrst by means of chemical methods, but in the last 150 years mainly by physical methods. Especially spectacular were the spectroscopic discoveries of rubidium and caesium by Bunsen and Kirchhoff, indium by Reich and Richter, helium by Janssen, Lockyer, and Frankland, and rhenium by Noddack and Tacke. Also, nuclear ˇssion became evident as Hahn and Strassmann carefully analyzed the products of neutron-bombarded uranium.

In recent times, analytical chemistry has stimulated not only chemistry but many ˇelds of science, technology and society. Conversely, analytical chemistry itself has always been heavily in uenced by ˇelds like nuclear engineering, materials science, environmental protection, biology, and medicine. Figure 1.1 shows by which challenges analytical chemistry has been stimulated to improved performances within the last half century. Wilhelm Ostwald [1894], who published the ˇrst comprehensive textbook on analytical chemistry, emphasized in it the service function of analytical chemistry. This fact has not changed until now. Interactions with all the ˇelds of application have always had a promoting in uence on analytical chemistry.


  1. Object of Analytical Chemistry
  2. The Analytical Process
  3. Signals in Analytical Chemistry
  4. Statistical Evaluation of Analytical Results
  5. Studying In uences and Optimizing Analytical Procedure
  6. Calibration in Analytical Chemistry
  7. Analytical Performance Characteristics
  8. Presentation, Interpretation and Validation of Analytical Results
  9. Assessment of Analytical Information

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