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Download PDF Introduction to Population Biology by Dick Neal

Download PDF Introduction to Population Biology by Dick Neal


Population biology has its roots in many different areas: in taxonomy, in studies of the geographical distribution of organisms, in natural history studies of the habits and interactions between organisms and their environment, in studies of how the characteristics of organisms are inherited from one generation to the next, and in theories which consider how different types of organisms are related by descent. Charles Darwin made a synthesis of these areas in his 1859 book, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, and this provides us with a convenient starting-point for our introduction to population biology.

The theory of evolution by means of natural selection is the most important theory in biology, but with some notable exceptions one would not realize this after reading many of texts in the area of population biology. Thus, it is no accident that we begin this book with an evolutionary bias.

The purpose of the following three chapters is to provide a historical perspective, and also an understanding of the philosophical content, of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution through the process of natural selection. It is important to understand this Darwinian perspective of biology, because it provides a loose framework for the remainder of this book. In the first chapter we will examine some of the early experiences of Darwin, which may have led him to conclude that organisms evolve and are related by descent. In the second chapter we examine his book The Origin of Species in more detail to see how he structured his argument for his two theories of evolution: that all organisms are related by descent, and that the main mechanism for this evolutionary change is the process of natural selection. In the third chapter we will examine the theory of natural selection in more detail in an attempt to explain why so many people have had difficulty with the theory since it was first proposed by Darwin more than a century ago.


  1. Evolution by natural selection
  2. Darwin concludes that organisms evolve
  3. Charles Darwin: some important early influences (1809--31)
  4. The earth’s crust: uniformitarian and catastrophist theories
  5. The voyage of the Beagle
  6. Island biogeography provides the key
  7. Darwin’s theories of evolution
  8. Darwin’s evolutionary theories: The Origin of Species (1859)
  9. Darwin’s hesitation to publish, and the reaction to his theories
  10. Understanding natural selection
  11. Some philosophical considerations
  12. Is natural selection a valid scientific theory?
  13. The argument from design
  14. Explaining the seemingly impossible
  15. Simple population growth models and their simulation
  16. Density-independent growth and overproduction
  17. Introducing density-independent growth
  18. Growth at discrete time intervals: geometric growth
  19. Simulating geometric growth
  20. Continuous growth through time: exponential growth
  21. Simulating exponential growth
  22. The population bomb
  23. Examples of exponential growth
  24. Simulation of geometric growth
  25. Simulation of exponential growth
  26. Density-dependent growth, and the logistic growth model
  27. Logistic growth model
  28. Simulating logistic growth
  29. Time lags
  30. Varying the carrying capacity
  31. Analysing population growth
  32. Summary and conclusions
  33. Simulating logistic growth
  34. Simulating a discrete form of the logistic growth model
  35. Fitting logistic growth curves to data
  36. Population genetics and evolution
  37. Gene frequencies and the Hardy–Weinberg principle
  38. Terminology
  39. Frequencies of alleles, genotypes and phenotypes
  40. The Hardy--Weinberg principle
  41. Applying the Hardy--Weinberg principle to autosomal genes with two alleles
  42. Complications
  43. Mutation and the genetic variation of populations
  44. Gene mutations
  45. The randomness of mutations
  46. Mutation rates and evolution
  47. Genetic variation of populations
  48. Mutations and variability
  49. Small populations, genetic drift and inbreeding
  50. Genetic drift in idealized populations
  51. Effective population size
  52. Empirical examples of genetic drift
  53. Genetic drift in relation to mutation, migration and selection
  54. Inbreeding
  55. Migration, gene flow and the differentiation of populations
  56. Island models
  57. Simulation of island model and general conclusions
  58. Stepping-stone model
  59. Simulating the island model
  60. Simulating the stepping-stone model
  61. Quantifying natural selection: haploid and zygotic selection models
  62. Defining fitness and selection
  63. Selection in action
  64. Modelling haploid selection
  65. Zygotic selection models
  66. Using selection models
  67. Derivation of haploid selection equations
  68. Simulating haploid selection
  69. Simulating zygotic selection
  70. Applying zygotic selection models to natural systems
  71. Estimating fitness and selection
  72. The application of zygotic selection models to natural selection
  73. Polygenic inheritance, quantitative genetics and heritability
  74. Polygenic inheritance
  75. Partitioning phenotypic variation into different components
  76. Heritability
  77. Response to selection
  78. Empirical examples of selection of quantitative characters
  79. Intelligence, race and societal class
  80. Population genetics: summary and synthesis
  81. Mutations
  82. Genetic recombination
  83. Chance effects: genetic drift and inbreeding
  84. Migration: gene flow
  85. Natural selection
  86. Demography
  87. Life tables and age-specific death rates
  88. Age-specific death rates
  89. Constructing life tables
  90. Comparison of life tables
  91. Constructing life tables using a spreadsheet
  92. Constructing life tables using a spreadsheet
  93. Age-specific reproduction and population growth rates
  94. Calculating population growth rates from age-specific birth and death rates
  95. Calculating age-structured population growth rates using spreadsheets
  96. Matrix models
  97. Calculating growth rates for age-structured populations
  98. Simulation of the matrix model
  99. Evolution of life histories
  100. Evolution of age-specific death rates
  101. Evolution of age-specific fertility
  102. Life-history strategies: r- and K-selection
  103. Interactions between species, and the behaviour of individuals
  104. Interspecific competition and amensalism
  105. Defining competition
  106. Types of competition
  107. The Lotka--Volterra model of interspecific competition
  108. Simulating competition between two species
  109. The utility of the Lotka--Volterra competition model
  110. Interspecific competition and community structure
  111. Predation
  112. The Lotka--Volterra model of predation
  113. Simulating the Lotka--Volterra predation model
  114. Laboratory experiments
  115. The Rosenzweig and MacArthur graphical model of predation
  116. The functional response of predators
  117. Predation and evolution: prey characteristics that reduce the risk of predation
  118. Simulating the Lotka--Volterra predation model
  119. Animal behaviour, natural selection and altruistic traits
  120. The genetic basis of behaviour
  121. Behaviours that appear contrary to the theory of natural selection
  122. Sexual selection and mating systems
  123. Sexual conflict and competition
  124. Sexual dimorphism and sexual selection
  125. Animal mating systems

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