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Download PDF The Nutritionist Food, Nutrition, and Optimal Health Second Edition by Dr Robert E. C. Wildman

Download PDF The Nutritionist Food, Nutrition, and Optimal Health Second Edition
 by Dr Robert E. C. Wildman


Have you ever stopped and wondered why we (humans) are as we are, and why we do what we do? It is truly remarkable what our bodies are capable of doing and how our bodies operate to perform various tasks. Yet, we are just one of millions of different species inhabiting this planet, all with a unique story to tell. And, like our fellow planet-mates, we must abide by the basic objectives of life, namely to function as an independent being (self-operate), defend ourselves both externally and internally, nourish ourselves, and of course to reproduce, which is without question the ultimate objective of all life-forms.

Yet, we are special in that we have a relatively large brain and the intellectual capacity to try to understand ourselves and, in accordance, how we are to be nourished. In this chapter we will begin to explore the very basis of our being and the world we live in. This will begin to set the stage for understanding what it will take to nourish our body for optimal health and longevity. We will answer questions about basic concepts such as elements, atoms, molecules, oxidation, chemical reactions, water solubility, and acids and bases. If you have a science background this chapter might seem too rudimentary and you might consider moving on to the next chapter.

What Is Nutrition?

We will start out as simply as possible. The shortest definition of nutrition is the science pertaining to the factors involved in nourishing our body. Nutrition hinges upon the special relationship that exists between our
body and the world we live in. From the moment of conception to the waning hours of advanced age, we live in a continuum to nourish our body. More specifically, we strive on a daily basis to bring nourishing substances into our body. These nourishing substances are called nutrients, which are chemicals that are used by our body for energy or other human processes. Proper nourishment supports body businesses such as
growth, movement, immunity, injury recovery, and disease prevention, and, of course, the ultimate business at hand for all life-forms, reproduction.


  1. The Very Basics of Humans and the World We Inhabit
  2. How Our Body Works
  3. The Nature of Food
  4. Carbohydrates Are Our Most Basic Fuel Source
  5. Fats and Cholesterol Are Not All Bad
  6. Proteins Are the Basis of Our Structure and Function
  7. Water is the Basis of Our Body
  8. Energy Metabolism, Body Weight and Composition, and Weight
  9. Vitamins Are Vital Molecules in Food
  10. The Minerals of Our Body
  11. Exercise and Sports Nutrition
  12. Nutrition Throughout Life
  13. Nutrition, Heart Disease, and Cancer

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