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Download PDF Learning Devise for Rails Use Devise to make your Rails application accessible, user friendly, and secure by Hafiz


It was around 2 months ago that I started to dig deep into Ruby on Rails, when I needed a plugin to handle authentication. That time, Ruby on Rails 3 was newly published, when so many gems still hadn't updated their compatibility to Rails update, including Authlogic. Authlogic was the first authentication gem that I used as an authentication plugin, but I couldn't use it anymore since I had to use Rails 3 in my project. That moment brought me to Devise. Devise was already compatible to Rails 3 and so my research began. The research concluded:

  • Devise was very easy to use. The modules were developed in a verygood structure.

  • Devise provided 11 modules that I could use to authenticate my application.

  • Devise allowed me to customize some of its modules to meet my application requirement.

These are the reasons that strongly influenced me to develop an application with Devise. It saved my time from developing new authentication modules from scratch. Now, we have reached Ruby on Rails 4; Devise was quickly updated so that developers could use it within the new Rails environment


  1. Devise – Authentication Solution for Ruby on Rails
  2. Authenticating Your Application with Devise
  3. Privileges
  4. Remote Authentication with Devise and OmniAuth
  5. Testing Devise

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