Download PDF Web Design: The Complete Reference Second Edition by Thomas Powell


Most discussions of Web design get off track in short order, because what people mean by the expression varies so dramatically. While everyone has some sense of what Web design is, few seem able to define it exactly. Certain components, such as graphic design or programming, are a part of any discussion, but their importance in the construction of sites varies from person to person and from site to site. Some consider the creation and organization of content or, more formally, the information architecture—as the most important aspect of Web design. Other factors ease of use, the value and function of the site within an organization’s overall operations, and site delivery, among many others remain firmly within the realm of Web design. With influences from library science, graphic design, programming, networking, user interface design, usability, and a variety of other sources, Web design is truly a multidisciplinary field.

Defining Web Design
There are five areas that cover the major facets of Web design:
  • Content This includes the form and organization of a site’s content. This can range from the way text is written to how it is organized, presented, and structured using a markup technology such as HTML.
  • Visuals This refers to the screen layout used in a site. The layout is usually created using HTML, CSS, or even Flash and may include graphic elements either as decoration or for navigation. The visual aspect of the site is the most obvious aspect of Web design, but it is not the sole, or most important, aspect of the discipline.
  • Technology While the use of various core Web technologies such as HTML or CSS fall into this category, technology in this context more commonly refers to the various interactive elements of a site, particularly those built using programming techniques. Such elements range from client-side scripting languages like JavaScript to server-side applications such as Java servlets.
  • Delivery The speed and reliability of a site’s delivery over the Internet or an internal corporate network are related to the server hardware/software used and to the network architecture employed.
  • Purpose The reason the site exists, often related to an economic issue, is arguably the most important part of Web design. This element should be considered in all decisions involving the other areas.


  1.  Foundation
  2. What Is Web Design?
  3. User-Centered Design
  4. The Web Medium
  5. The Web Design Process 
  6. Evaluating Web Sites 
  7. Site Organization and Navigation
  8.  Site Types and Architectures 
  9. Navigation Theory
  10. Basic Navigation Practices
  11. Search
  12. Site Maps and Other Navigational Aids
  13. Elements of Page Design
  14. Pages and Layout
  15. Text
  16. Color
  17. Images
  18. GUI Widgets and Forms
  19. Technology and Web Design
  20. Web Technology Best Practices
  21. Site Delivery and Management

Download PDF Microsoft® Office AccessTM 2007: The Complete Reference by Virginia Andersen


In this, the Information Age, we are surrounded by mountains of data. To use this data effectively, the information must be stored in such a way that it can be retrieved and interpreted with flexibility and efficiency. Microsoft Office Access 2007 is a top-notch database management system that you can use for all your information management needs—from a simple address list to a complex inventory management system. It provides tools not only for storing and retrieving data, but also for creating useful forms and reports, and sharing your database with others. All you need is a basic acquaintance with Microsoft Windows and a sense of exploration to build the database you need.
This chapter shows you how to start Microsoft Office Access 2007 and provides a tour of the Access work place. If you’re an experienced user, you will be amazed at the new, visually upgraded user interface.

Starting Access and Opening a Database
You can start most software built for the Windows environment in the same way: by clicking the Start button and pointing to Programs in the Start menu. Depending on how you installed Access 2007, the name might appear as a separate item in the Programs (or All Programs, if you’re using Windows XP) list or as one of the programs in the Microsoft Office menu. If you don’t see Microsoft Access in the Programs list, choose Microsoft Office, and then click
Microsoft Access 2007.
The Getting Started with Microsoft Office Access window, where your session begins, appears with four options (see Figure 1-1):
  • Start a new database with one of the Access templates. The left pane lists available templates and samples.
  • Start with a new blank database.
  • Connect to Microsoft Office Online. The database templates offered online may differ each time you start Access.
  • Select a recently used database from the list in the right pane (no doubt your list will be different).


  1. Getting Started
  2. Quick Tour of Microsoft Offi ce Access 2007 
  3. The World of Relational Databases 
  4. Creating a Database
  5. Creating and Modifying Tables
  6. Relating Tables
  7. Entering and Editing Data
  8. Retrieving and Presenting Information
  9. Sorting, Filtering, and Printing Records
  10. Extracting Information with Querie
  11. Creating Advanced Queries
  12. Creating Form and Report Designs
  13. Using the Form Tools
  14. Customizing Forms
  15. Using the Report Wizard
  16. Customizing Reports
  17. Creating Charts and Graphs
  18. Improving the Workplace
  19. Customizing the Workplace
  20. Improving Database Performance
  21. Understanding Events and the Event Model
  22. Automating with Macros
  23. Customizing the User Interface
  24. Customizing the Navigation Pane and Creating Switchboards
  25. Exchange Data with Others
  26. Exchange Database Objects and Text
  27. Exchanging Data with Outside Sources
  28. Sharing with Multiple Users
  29. Secure a Database

Download PDF Mcgraw Hill Schaum's Outline Theory And Problems Of Programming With C++ 1996



The word photosynthesis means ‘building up by light’, and the process is the building up, by plants, algae and certain bacteria under the action of sunlight, of organic compounds (mainly carbohydrates) from two very simple inorganic molecules, water (HzO) and carbon dioxide ((202). Put another way, photosynthesis is the light-driven reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide by water to energy-rich organic compounds. But this reductionist, chemist’s view gives little hint of the central role of photosynthesis in sustaining life on Earth. Photosynthesis is the primary engine of the biosphere, essential to life since it is almost the sole process by which the chemical energy to maintain living organisms is made. It provides all our food, either directly in the form of green plants or indirectly in the form of animals that eat green plants or other animals that have eaten green plants. The only living organisms not sustained directly or indirectly by photosynthesis are the chemoautotrophs, primitive bacteria that harness the energy of inorganic compounds such as H2S to obtain the metabolic energy they need to grow and replicate, and the organisms that feed off them. Humans and other animals are heterotrophs-they ey cannot synthesise their own organic compounds from inorganic sources, but must ingest them as food. Photosynthetic organisms are photoautotrophs-able to harness solar energy to fix C02 (that is, store it in solid form as products of photosynthesis). Modern photosynthetic organisms come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, ranging from the 1-1Opn-1-sized photosynthetic bacteria and small, nonvascular mosses to giant sequoia trees that can reach more than 100 m in height.


  1. Photosynthesis and photoconversion
  2. Light absorption and harvesting
  3. Electron transfer in photosynthesis
  4. Photosynthetic carbon assimilation
  5. Regulation of photosynthesis in higher plants
  6. The role of aquatic photosynthesis in solar energy conversion: a geoevolutionary perspective
  7. Useful products from algal photosynthesis
  8. Hydrogen production by photosynthetic microorganisms
  9. Photoconversion and energy crops
  10. The production of biofuels by thermal chemical processing of biomass
  11. Photosynthesis and the global carbon cycle
  12. Management of terrestrial vegetation to mitigate climate change
  13. Biotechnology: its impact and future prospects



Living organisms store and transport transition metals both to provide appropriate concentrations of them for use in metalloproteins or cofactors and to protect themselves against the toxic effects of metal excesses; metalloproteins and metal cofactors are found in plants, animals, and microorganisms. The normal concentration range for each metal in biological systems is narrow, with both deficiencies and excesses causing pathological changes. In multicellular organisms, composed of a variety of specialized cell types, the storage of transition metals and the synthesis of the transporter molecules are not carried out by all types of cells, but rather by specific cells that specialize in these tasks. The form of the metals is always ionic, but the oxidation state can vary, depending on biological needs. Transition metals for which biological storage and transport are significant are, in order of decreasing abundance in living organisms: iron, zinc, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, chromium, vanadium, and nickel. Although zinc is not strictly a transition metal, it shares many bioinorganic properties with transition metals and is considered with them in this chapter. Knowledge of iron  storage and transport is more complete than for any other metal in the group.


  1. Transition-Metal Storage, Transport, and Biomineralization 
  2. The Reaction Pathways of Zinc Enzymes and Related Biological Catalysts
  3. Calcium in Biological Systems
  4. Biological and Synthetic Dioxygen Carriers
  5. Dioxygen Reactions
  6. Electron Transfer 
  7. Ferredoxins, Hydrogenases, and Nitrogenases: Metal-Sulfide Proteins
  8. Metal/Nucleic-Acid Interactions
  9. Metals in Medicine

Download PDF Handbook Of Toxicology Of Chemical Warfare Agents by Ramesh C. Gupta


For centuries extremely toxic chemicals have been used in wars, conflicts, terrorists’, extremists’ and dictators’ activities, malicious poisonings, and executions. One of the earliest forms of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) were natural toxins from plants or animals, which were used to coat arrowheads, commonly referred to as ‘‘arrow poisons’’. Ancient use of some CWAs and riot control agents (RCAs) dates back to the 5th century BC, during the Peloponnesian War, when the Spartans used smoke from burning coal, sulfur, and pitch to temporarily incapacitate and confuse occupants of Athenian strongholds. The Spartans also used bombs made of sulfur and pitch to overcome the enemy. The Romans used irritant clouds to drive out adversaries from hidden dwellings. In the 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci proposed the use of a powder
of arsenic sulfide as a chemical weapon. Modern use of CWAs and RCAs or incapacitating agents dates back to World War I (WWI).

With advancements in science and chemistry in the 19th century, the possibility of chemical warfare increased tremendously. The first full-scale use of chemical warfare agents began in April of 1915 when German troops launched a poison gas attack at Ypres, Belgium, using 168 tons of chlorine gas, killing about 5,000 Allied (British, French, and Canadian) soldiers. During WWI, the deployment of CWAs, including toxic gases (chlorine, phosgene, cyanide, and mustard), irritants, and vesicants in massive quantities (about 125,000 tons), resulted in about 90,000 fatalities and 1.3 million non-fatal casualties. The majority of the deaths in WWI were a result of exposure to chlorine and phosgene gases. During the Holocaust, the Nazis used carbon monoxide and the insecticide Zyklon-B, containing hydrogen cyanide, to kill several million people in extermination camps. Poison gases were also used during the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943. Again, in November 1978, religious cult leader Jim Jones murdered over 900 men, women and children with cyanide.

Download PDF Introductory Clinical Pharmacology Seven edition by Sally S. Roach


Pharmacology is the study of drugs and their action on living organisms. A sound knowledge of basic pharmacologic principles is essential if the nurse is to safely administer medications and to monitor patients who receive these medications. This chapter gives a basic overview of pharmacologic principles that the nurse must understand when administering medications. The chapter also discusses drug development, federal legislation affecting the dispensing and use of drugs, and the use of botanical medicines as they relate to pharmacology.

Drug development is a long and arduous process, taking anywhere from 7 to 12 years, and sometimes even
longer. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has the responsibility of approving new drugs and monitoring drugs currently in use for adverse or toxic reactions. The development of a new drug is divided into the pre-FDA phase and the FDA phase (Fig. 1-1). During the pre-FDA phase, a manufacturer
discovers a drug that looks promising. In vitro testing (testing in an artificial environment, such as a test tube) using animal and human cells is done. This testing is followed by studies in live animals. The manufacturer then makes application to the FDA for Investigational New Drug (IND) status.

With IND status, clinical testing of the new drug begins. Clinical testing involves three phases, with each phase involving a larger number of people. All effects, both pharmacologic and biologic, are noted. Phase I lasts 4 to 6 weeks and involves 20 to 100 individuals who are either “normal” volunteers or individuals in the intended treatment population. If Phase I studies are successful, the testing moves to Phase II, and if those results are positive, to Phase III. Each successive phase has a larger subject population. Phase III studies offer additional information on dosing and safety. The three phases last anywhere from 2 to 10 years, with the average being 5 years.





To the general public, dioxin is the archetype of toxic chemicals, a substance that in minute amounts causes cancer and birth defects. Raised to a high level of visibility by the use of Agent Orange in Vietnam, it continues to generate environmental issues that capture public attention: Times Beach, Seveso, Love Canal, herbicide spraying in the United States, waste incineration, and food contamination.

Public fear engendered counter-reactions. Some claimed that dioxin causes no harm to humans other than chloracne, a disfiguring skin disease.1,2 Others compared the public attitude toward dioxin with witch hunts. Dioxin, they said, is a prime example of chemophobia, the irrational fear of chemicals.3,4 U.S. Assistant Surgeon General Vernon Houk claimed that the evacuation of Times Beach, Missouri had been a mistake.5,6 Administrator William Reilly of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) ordered a reassessment of the toxicity of dioxin. He stated: ‘‘I don’t want to prejudge the issue, but we are seeing new information on dioxin that suggests a lower risk assessment for dioxin should be applied.’’6

In our opinion, the public fears are largely justified. The current scientific evidence argues not only that dioxin is a potent carcinogen, but also that the noncancer health and environmental hazards of dioxin may be more serious than believed previously. Indeed, dioxin appears to act like an extremely persistent synthetic hormone, perturbing important physiological signaling systems. Such toxic mimicry leads to a host of biological changes, especially altered cell development, di¤erentiation, and regulation. Perhaps the most


  1. Overview: The Dioxin Debate
  2. Production, Distribution, and Fate of Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p- Dioxins, Dibenzofurans, and Related Organohalogens in the Environment
  3. Dioxins and Dioxinlike PCBs in Food
  4. Toxicology of Dioxins and Dioxinlike Compounds
  5. Health Risk Characterization of Dioxins and Related Compounds
  6. Pharmacokinetics of Dioxins and Related Chemicals
  7. Dose–Response Modeling for 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin
  8. Immunotoxicology of Dioxins and Related Chemicals
  9. Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of Dioxins and Related Chemicals
  10. E¤ects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls on Neuronal Signaling
  11. Experimental Toxicology: Carcinogenesis
  12. Ah Receptor: Involvement in Toxic Response
  13. Biochemical Responses to Dioxins: Which Genes? Which Endpoints?
  14. Evolutionary and Physiological Perspectives on Ah Receptor Function and Dioxin Toxicity
  15. Dioxin Toxicity and Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Signaling in Fish
  16. Exposure Assessment: Measurement of Dioxins and Related Chemicals in Human Tissues
  17. Human Health E¤ects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls
  18. Epidemiological Studies on Cancer and Exposure to Dioxins and Related Compounds
  19. Reproductive and Developmental Epidemiology of Dioxins
  20. Health Consequences of the Seveso, Italy, Accident
  21. The Yusho Rice Oil Poisoning Incident
  22. The Yucheng Rice Oil Poisoning Incident



This volume describes a range of physical techniques which are now widely used in the study both of biomolecules and of processes in which they are involved. There will be a strong emphasis throughout on biomacromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids as well as on macromolecular complexes of which they are components (e.g. biological membranes, ribosomes, chromosomes). This is because such chemical entities are particularly crucial to the correct functioning of living cells and present specific analytical problems compared to simpler biomolecules such as monosaccharides or dipeptides. Biophysical techniques, give detailed information offering insights into the structure, dynamics and interactions of biomacromolecules. Life scientists in general and biochemists in particular have devoted much effort during the last century to elucidation of the relationship between structure and function and to understanding how biological processes happen and are controlled. Major progress has been made using chemical and biological techniques which, for example, have contributed to the development of the science of molecular biology. However, in the last decade physical techniques which complement these other approaches have seen major development and these now promise even greater insight into the molecules and processes which allow the living cell to survive. For example, a major focus of life science research currently is the proteome as distinct from the genome. This has emphasized the need to be able to study the highly-individual structures of biomacromolecules such as proteins to understand more fully their particular contribution to the biology of the cell. For the foreseeable future, these techniques are likely to impact to a greater or lesser extent on the activities of most life scientists. This text attempts to survey the main physical techniques and to describe how they can contribute to our knowledge of biological systems and processes.We will set the scene for this by first looking at the particular analytical problems posed by biomolecules.


  1. Chromatography
  2. Spectroscopic Techniques
  3. Mass Spectrometry
  4. Electrophoresis
  5. Three-Dimensional Structure Determination of Macromolecules
  6. Hydrodynamic Methods
  7. Biocalorimetry
  8. Bioinformatics
  9. Proteomics

Download PDF Pharmocology For Dentistry by Surender Singh


Pharmacology (derived from Greek words, pharmacon-drug; logos-discourse in) consists of detailed study of drugs – its source, physical and chemical properties, compounding, biochemical and physiological effects, pharmacodynamics (its mechanism of action), pharmacokinetics (absorption, distribution, biotransformation and excretion), therapeutic and other uses of drugs.

According to WHO definition ‘Drug is any substance or product that is used or intended to be used to modify or explore physiological system or pathological states for the benefit of the recipient’.

Pharmacology has some major subdivisions:

Pharmacodynamics is the study of the biochemical and physiological effects of the drugs and their mechanism of action.

Pharmacotherapeutics deals with the use of drugs in the prevention and treatment of diseases and it utilizes or depends upon the information of drug obtained by pharmacodynamic studies.

Pharmacokinetics deals with the alterations of the drug by the body which includes absorption, distribution, binding/ storage, biotransformation and excretion of drugs.

Toxicology deals with the side/adverse effects and other poisonous effects of drugs, since the same drug can be a poison, depending on the dose.

Chemotherapy deals with the effects of drugs upon microorganisms and parasites without destroying the host cells. Pharmacology also includes certain allied fields as:

Pharmacy is the science of preparation, compounding and dispensing of drugs. It is concerned with collection, identification, purification, isolation, synthesis and standardization of medicinal /pharmaceutical substances.

Pharmacognosy deals with the study of the sources of drugs derived from plants and animal origin.


  1. General Principles of Pharmacology
  2. Drugs Acting on CNS
  3. Drugs Acting on ANS
  4. Drugs Acting on Cardiovascular & Urinary System
  5. Autacoids
  6. Drugs Acting on Blood
  7. Drugs Acting on GIT
  8. Drugs Acting on Endocrine System
  9. Chemotherapy
  10. Vitamins and Trace Elements
  11. Dental Pharmacology
  12. Miscellaneous

Download PDF Principles of Biochemical Toxicology Fourth Edition by John A. Timbrell


Toxicology is the subject concerned with the study of the noxious effects of chemical substances on living systems. It is a multidisciplinary subject, as it embraces areas of pharmacology, biochemistry, chemistry, physiology, and pathology; although it has sometimes been considered as a subdivision of some of these other subjects, it is truly a scientific discipline in itself.

Toxicology may be regarded as the science of poisons; in this context, it has been studied and practiced since antiquity, and a large body of knowledge has been amassed. The ancient Greeks used hemlock and various other poisons, and Dioscorides attempted a classification of poisons. However, the scientific foundations of toxicology were laid by Paracelsus (1493–1541), and this approach was continued by Orfila (1787–1853). Orfila, a Spanish toxicologist working in Paris, wrote a seminal work, Trait des Poisons, in 1814 in which he said toxicology should be founded on pathology and chemical analysis.

Today, highly sensitive and specific analytical methods are used and together with the new methods of molecular biology have a major impact on the development of the science. Interactions between chemicals and living systems occur in particular phases. The first is the exposure phase where the living organism is exposed in some way to the chemical and which may or may not be followed by uptake or absorption of the chemical into the organism. This precedes the next phase in which the chemical is distributed throughout the organism. Both these phases may require transport systems. After delivery of the chemical to various parts of the organism, the next phase is metabolism, where chemical changes may or may not occur, mediated by enzymes. These phases are sometimes termed “toxicokinetics,” whereas the next phase is the toxicodynamic phase in which the chemical and its metabolites interact with constituents of the organism. The metabolic phase may or may not be a prerequisite for the final phase, which is excretion.

This sequence may then be followed by a phase in which pathological or functional changes occur. Ability to detect exposure and early adverse effects is crucial to the assessment of risk as will be apparent later in this book. Furthermore, understanding the role of metabolites rather than the parent chemical and the importance of concentration in toxic effects are essential in this process. Therefore, toxicology has of necessity become very much a multidisciplinary science. There are difficulties in reconciling the often-conflicting demands of public and regulatory authorities to demonstrate safety with pressure from animal rights organizations against the use of animals for this purpose. Nevertheless, development of toxicology as a separate science has been slow, particularly in comparison with subjects such as pharmacology and biochemistry, and toxicology has a
much more limited academic base. This may in part reflect the nature of the subject, which has evolved as a practical art, and also the fact that many practitioners were mainly interested in descriptive studies for screening purposes or to satisfy legislation.


  1. Fundamentals of Toxicology and Dose-Response Relationships
  2. Factors Affecting Toxic Responses: Disposition
  3. Factors Affecting Toxic Responses: Metabolism
  4. Factors Affecting Metabolism and Disposition
  5. Toxic Responses to Foreign Compounds
  6. Biochemical Mechanisms of Toxicity: Specific Examples



Activated carbon is a predominantly amorphous solid that has an extraordinarily large internal surface area and pore volume. These unique characteristics are responsible for its adsorptive properties, which are exploited in many different liquid- and gas-phase applications. Activated carbon is an exceptionally versatile adsorbent because the size and distribution of the pores within the carbon matrix can be controlled to meet the needs of current and emerging markets (1). Engineering requirements of specific applications are satisfied by producing activated carbons in the form of powders, granules, and shaped products. Through choice of precursor, method of activation, and control of processing conditions, the adsorptive properties of products are tailored for applications as diverse as the purification of potable water and the control of emissions from bioproduct recovery processes.

In 1900, two very significant processes in the development and manufacture of activated carbon products were patented (2). The first commercial products were produced in Europe under these patents: Eponite, from wood in 1909, and Norit, from peat in 1911. Activated carbon was first produced in the United States in 1913 by Westvaco Corp. under the name Filtchar, using a by-product of the papermaking process (3). Further milestones in development were reached as a result of World War I. In response to the need for protective gas masks, a hard, granular activated carbon was produced from coconut shell in 1915. Following the war, large-scale commercial use of activated carbon was extended to refining of beet sugar and corn syrup and to purification of municipal water supplies (4). The termination of the supply of coconut char from the Philippines and India during World War II forced the domestic development of granular activated carbon products from coal in 1940 (5). More recent innovations in the manufacture and use of activated carbon products have been driven by the need to recycle resources and to prevent environmental pollution.

Download PDF Endangered Second EDIITIION Species VOLUME1 Mammals by Sonia Benson and Rob Nagel

Download PDF Endangered Second EDIITIION Species VOLUME 2 Arachnids, Birds, Crustaceans, Insects, and Mollusks by Sonia Benson and Rob Nagel


The destruction of habitats all over the world is the primary reason species are becoming extinct or endangered. Houses, highways, dams, industrial buildings, and ever-spreading farms now dominate landscapes formerly occupied by forests, prairies, deserts, scrublands, and wetlands. Since the beginning of European settlement in America, over 65,000,000 acres of wetlands have been drained. One million acres alone vanished between 1985 and 1995.

Habitat destruction can be obvious or it can be subtle, occurring over a long period of time without being noticed. Pollution, such as sewage from cities and chemical runoff from farms, can change the quality and quantity of water in streams and rivers. To species living in a delicately balanced habitat, this disturbance can be as fatal as the clear-cutting of a rain forest.

As remaining habitats are carved into smaller and smaller pockets or islands, remaining species are forced to exist in these crowded areas, which causes further habitat destruction. These species become less adaptable to environmental change; they become more vulnerable to extinction. Scientists believe that when a habitat is cut by 90 percent, onehalf of its plants, animals, insects, and microscopic life-forms will become extinct.

Download PDF Endangered Second EDIITIION Species VOLUME3 Amphibians, Fish, Plants, and Reptiles by Sonia Benson And Rob Nagel


Endangered Species, 2nd Edition, presents information on endangered and threatened mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, mollusks, insects, arachnids, crustaceans, and plants. Its 240 entries were chosen to give a glimpse of the broad range of species currently facing endangerment. While well-publicized examples such as the American bison, northern spotted owl, and gray wolf are examined, so, too, are less conspicuous—yet no less threatened—species such as the Australian ant, Cape vulture, freshwater sawfish, and Peebles Navajo cactus.

The entries are spread across three volumes and are divided into sections by classes. Within each class, species are arranged alphabetically by common name. Each entry begins with the species’s common and scientific names. A fact box containing classification information— phylum (or division), class, order, and family—for that species follows. The box also lists the current status of the species in the wild according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (which administers the Endangered Species Act). Finally, the box lists the country or countries where the species currently ranges.

Locator maps outlining the range of a particular species are included in each entry to help users find unfamiliar countries or locations. In most entries, a color photo provides a more concrete visualization of the species. Sidebar boxes containing interesting and related information are also included in some entries.


  1. Mammals
  2. Arachnids
  3. Birds
  4. Crustaceans
  5. Insects
  6. Amphibians
  7. Fish
  8. Plants
  9. Reptiles

Download PDF The New Penguin Dictionary Of Biology by M. Abercrombie

Download PDF The Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution by LARRY L. MAI


Human biology is a diverse and multidisciplinary field that includes or borrows from anthropology, anatomy, auxology, evolutionary biology, genetics, geology, physiology, and zoology. In our studies of human biology we found that medical or general biology dictionaries often did not define many terms used in non-clinical human biology. This was especially true of the core terms used in physical anthropology and primatology.We have attempted to bridge that gap with this work. This compilation is intended to define and elaborate on the more important terms used in human biology and evolution. For readers with little background in these subjects, it identifies and provides definitions of core terms most frequently used in these areas. In addition, we have attempted to define, and occasionally annotate or expand on, subjects of interest to advanced students and professionals, such as fossil specimens, paleontological sites, and primate genera.


  1. The Cambridge Dictionary of Human Biology and Evolution
  2. Ataxonomy of extinct primates
  3. Ataxonomy of recent and extant primates
  4. Table of extant primate species
  5. Ageological time scale
  6. Terrestrial chronology of the Pleistocene ‘ice age’ in the northern hemisphere
  7. Marine oxygen isotope chronology
  8. Anatomical landmarks, postcranial bones and major muscle groups
  9. Event timeline of human biology and evolution
  10. Tentative hominid phylogeny
  11. The Greek alphabet



For an environmental scientist, the answer to the question posed in the title of this section is fairly evident. However, for environmental engineers it is worthwhile to consider this in more detail. For example, environmental engineers need to know a broader range of science than does any other kind of engineer. Physics has always been at the core of engineering, and remains so for environmental engineers concerned with advective transport (flow) in the fluid phases of our world. The involvement of environmental engineers with chemistry has increased. Formerly, it was limited to chemical precipitation and acid–base chemistry in water, and relatively simple kinetics. Now it is necessary also to consider the thermodynamics and kinetics of interphase multimedia transport of organics, the complex chain reaction kinetics of atmospheric pollutants or of ozone in water, and the organic reaction sequences of pollutant degradation in groundwater. In a similar way, the role of biology in environmental engineering has burgeoned.

Traditionally, the biology taught to environmental engineers has emphasized microbiology, because of its links to human health through communicable diseases and due to our ability to exploit microorganisms for treatment of pollutants. Often, there is a simple exposure to ecology. However, the ecology that is taught is sometimes limited to nutrient cycles, which themselves are dominated by microorganisms. As occurred with
chemistry, other subspecialties within biology have now become important to environmental engineering. Broadly speaking, there are three main areas: microbiology, ecology, and toxicology. The roles of microbiology are related to health, to biological pollution control, and to the fate of pollutants in the environment. Ecological effects of human activity center on the extinction of species either locally or globally, or to disturbances in the distribution and role of organisms in an ecosystem. Toxicology concerns the direct effect of chemical and physical pollutants on organisms, especially on humans themselves.

This book aims to help students develop their appreciation for, and awareness of, the science of biology as a whole. Admittedly, applied microbiology is often included in many environmental engineering texts, focusing on disease transmission, biodegradation, and related metabolic aspects. However, little if any material is provided on the broader realm of biology in relation to environmental control. Such an approach notably overlooks a considerable number of important matters, including genetics, biochemistry, ecology, epidemiology, toxicology, and risk assessment. This book places this broad range of topics between two covers, which has not been done previously.

There are other factors that should motivate a study of biology in addition to the practical needs of environmental engineers and scientists. The first is the need to understand the living world around us and, most important, our own bodies, so that we can make choices that are healthy for ourselves and for the environment. Another is that we have much to learn from nature. Engineers sometimes find that their best techniques have been anticipated by nature. Examples include the streamlined design of fish and the countercurrent mass-transfer operation of the kidney. An examination of strategies employed by nature has led to the discovery of new techniques that can be exploited in systems having nothing to do with biology. For instance, the mathematical pattern-recognition method called the artificial neural network was inspired by an understanding of brain function. New process control methods are being developed by reverse-engineering biological systems. Furthermore, there may be much that engineers can bring to the study of biological systems. For example, the polymerase chain reaction technique that has so revolutionized genetic engineering was developed by a biologist who was starting to learn about computer programming. He borrowed the concept of iteration to produce two DNA molecules repeatedly from one molecule. Twenty iterations quickly turn one molecule into a million. Engineers can also bring their strengths to the study of biology. Biology once emphasized a qualitative approach called descriptive biology. Today it is very much a quantitative science, using mathematical methods everywhere, from genetics to ecology. Finally, it is hoped that for engineers the study of biology will be a source of fascination, opening a new perspective on the world that will complement other knowledge gained in an engineering education.


  1. Perspectives on Biology
  2. Biology as a Whole
  3. The Substances of Life
  4. The Cell: The Common Denominator of Living Things
  5. Energy and Metabolism
  6. Genetics
  7. The Plants
  8. The Animals
  9. The Human Animal
  10. Microbial Groups
  11. Quantifying Microorganisms and Their Activity
  12. Effect of Microbes on Human Health
  13. Microbial Transformations
  14. Ecology: The Global View of Life
  15. Ecosystems and Applications
  16. Biological Applications for Environmental Control
  17. The Science of Poisons
  18. Fate and Transport of Toxins
  19. Dose–Response Relationships
  20. Field and Laboratory Toxicology
  21. Toxicity of Specific Substances
  22. Applications of Toxicology

Download PDF GLENCOE SCIENCE Reading Essentials for Biology the Dynamics of Life (2005)


One of the first things biologists look for when they are searching for characteristics of life is structure, or organization. Whether an organism is made of a single cell or billions of cells, all of its parts work together in an orderly living system. Another important characteristic of life is reproduction. Reproduction is the ability of an organism to make more of the same type of organism. The new organisms that are made are called offspring. Although reproduction is not needed for the survival of an individual organism, it must occur for the continuation of the organism’s species. A species (SPEE sheez) consists of a group of organisms that can mate with each other and produce offspring that are able to reproduce. For example, there are many species of crocodiles including the American crocodile, the Australian freshwater crocodile, and the saltwater crocodile. American crocodiles reproduce only American crocodiles. Without reproduction, the species would die out. Another characteristic of life is that growth and development must take place. An organism begins life as a single cell. As time passes, it grows and develops. As growth and development take place, the organism takes on the characteristics of its species. Growth results in the formation of new structures and an increase in the amount of living material. Development refers to the changes that occur in each organism’s life.


  1. Biology: The Study of Life
  2. Principles of Ecology
  3. Communities and Biomes
  4. Population Biology
  5. Biological Diversity and Conservation
  6. The Chemistry of Life
  7. A View of the Cell
  8. Cellular Transport and the Cell Cycle
  9. Energy in a Cell
  10. Mendel and Meiosis
  11. DNA and Genes
  12. Patterns of Heredity and Human Genetics
  13. Genetic Technology
  14. The History of Life
  15. The Theory of Evolution
  16. Primate Evolution
  17. Organizing Life’s Diversity
  18. Viruses and Bacteria
  19. Protists
  20. Fungi
  21. What is a plant?
  22. The Diversity of Plants
  23. Plant Structure and Function
  24. Reproduction in Plants
  25. What is an animal?
  26. Sponges, Cnidarians, Flatworms, and Roundworms
  27. Mollusks and Segmented Worms
  28. Arthropods
  29. Echinoderms and Invertebrate Chordates
  30. Fishes and Amphibians
  31. Reptiles and Birds
  32. Mammals
  33. Animal Behavior
  34. Protection, Support, and Locomotion
  35. The Digestive and Endocrine Systems
  36. The Nervous System
  37. Respiration, Circulation, and Excretion
  38. Reproduction and Development
  39. Immunity from Disease

Download PDF Glonce Science Biology National Geographic


What do biologists do?

Imagine being the first person to look into a microscopeand discover cells. What do you think it was like to find the first dinosaur fossils that indicated feathers? Who studies how organisms, including the marbled stargazer fish in Figure 1.2, obtain food? Will the AIDS virus be defeated? Is there life on other planets or anywhere else in the universe? The people who study biology—biologists—make discoveries and seek explanations by performing laboratory and field investigations. Throughout this textbook, you will discover what biologists in the real world do and you will learn about careers in biology.

Study the diversity of life Jane Goodall, shown in Figure 1.1, studied chimpanzees in their natural environments. She asked questions such as, “How do chimpanzees behave in the wild?” and “How can chimpan zee behaviors be characterized?” From her recorded and detailed observations, sketches, and maps of chimpanzees’ daily travels, Goodall learned how chimpanzees grow and develop and how they gather food. She studied and recorded chimpanzee reproductive habits and their aggressive nature. She learned that they use tools. Goodall’s data provided a better understanding of chimpanzees, and as a result, scientists know how to best protect them.

Research diseases Mary-Claire King also studied chimpanzees not their behavior but their genetics. In 1973, she established that the genomes (genes) of chimpanzees and humans are 99 percent identical. Her work currently focuses on unraveling the genetic basis of breast cancer, a disease that affects one out of eight women. Many biologists research diseases. Questions such as “What causes the disease?”, “How does the body fight the disease?”, and “How does the disease spread?” often guide biologists’ research. Biologists have developed vaccines for smallpox, chicken pox, and diphtheria, and currently, some biologists are researching the development of a vaccine for HIV. Other biologists focus their research on diseases such as diabetes, avian flu, anorexia, and alcoholism, or on trauma such as spinal cord injuries that result in paralysis. Biologists worldwide are researching new medicines for such things as lowering cholesterol levels, fighting obesity, reducing the risk of heart attacks, and preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

Develop technologies When you hear the word technology, you might think of high-speed computers, cell phones, and DVD players. However, technology is defined as the application of scientific knowledge to solve human needs and to extend human capabilities. Figure 1.3 shows how new technology a “bionic” hand can help someone who has lost an arm.


  1. Ecology
  2. Principles of Ecology 
  3. Communities, Biomes, and Ecosystems 
  4. Population Ecology
  5. Biodiversity and Conservation
  6. The Cell 
  7. Chemistry in Biology 
  8. Cellular Structure and Function 
  9. Cellular Energy 
  10. Cellular Reproduction
  11. Genetics 
  12. Sexual Reproduction and Genetics 
  13. Complex Inheritance and Human Heredity 
  14. Molecular Genetics 
  15. Genetics and Biotechnology
  16. History of Biological Diversity 
  17. The History of Life 
  18. Evolution 
  19. Primate Evolution 
  20. Organizing Life’s Diversity
  21. Bacteria, Viruses, Protists, and Fungi 
  22. Bacteria and Viruses 
  23. Protists 
  24. Fungi
  25. Plants 
  26. Introduction to Plants 
  27. Plant Structure and Function 
  28. Reproduction in Plants
  29. Invertebrates 
  30. Introduction to Animals 
  31. Worms and Mollusks 
  32. Arthropods 
  33. Echinoderms and Invertebrate Chordates
  34. Vertebrates 
  35. Fishes and Amphibians 
  36. Reptiles and Birds 
  37. Mammals 
  38. Animal Behavior
  39. The Human Body 
  40. Integumentary, Skeletal, and Muscular Systems
  41. Nervous System 
  42.  Circulatory, Respiratory, and Excretory Systems 
  43. Digestive and Endocrine Systems 
  44. Human Reproduction and Development
  45.  Immune System

Download PDF High School Biology Vol 4


Like large emeralds encrusted with gold, thousands of chrysalides (cocoons) hang from milkweed plants in southern Ontario. Within each of these chrysalides, a monarch butterfly caterpillar will undergo a metamorphosis to become an adult butterfly. This process requires much energy to fuel the tremendous changes that occur in a caterpillar’s physical appearance and abilities. All organisms require energy to survive. Cells in a eukaryotic organism contain organelles, such as the mitochondria shown below, that transform the energy in food into energy that can be used for various cellular processes. Without mitochondria, organisms such as the monarch caterpillar would not be able to perform the metabolic processes they need for metamorphosis. Metabolic processes involve all the chemical reactions that take place in cells, as well as the chemical reactions that need energy to transport molecules and build the cellular
structures necessary for all life processes. In this unit, you will learn about the chemical reactions that form molecules and see how the laws of thermodynamics govern all reactions between molecules. You will discover how special proteins are essential to metabolic processes in the cell. You will explore the series of metabolic reactions that take place in cells and learn how energy is transformed and used in these reactions. Finally, you will explore how the study of cell biology relates to your life and lifestyle.

Download PDF High School Biology vol 3 2001 by Ryerson


It has been said that we are made of the stuff of stars. What do you think this means? The pine wood cells pictured on the right and all other organisms on Earth are made mostly of only six common chemical elements. These elements originated under the conditions of massive gravity and heat found in stars. Evidence that the molecules of life — compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen — exist throughout the universe is found in comets like Hale-Bopp, shown below. Scientists have recently found that such rocks, travelling through space, transport compounds and molecules that form the basis of life on Earth. Within cells, these molecules are transformed into living organisms with a multitude of complex strategies for survival. The same few molecules are used over and over in different combinations to make literally millions of different structures and to carry out all the different functions needed by living things. The processes involved in sustaining life all begin at the molecular level within the microscopic spaces of the cell. This includes the storage and release of the energy needed to power cellular process — which ultimately comes from the Sun.

Download PDF Microbiology 5th Edition by Lansing M. Prescott


Microbiology is an exceptionally broad discipline encompassing specialties as diverse as biochemistry, cell biology, genetics, taxonomy, pathogenic bacteriology, food and industrial microbiology, and ecology. A microbiologist must be acquainted with many biological disciplines and with all major groups of microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi, algae, and protozoa. The key is balance. Students new to the subject need an introduction to the whole before concentrating on those parts of greatest interest to them. This text provides a balanced introduction to all major areas of microbiology for a variety of students. Because of this balance, the book is suitable for courses with orientations ranging from basic microbiology to medical and applied microbiology. Students preparing for careers in medicine, dentistry, nursing, and allied health professions will find the text just as useful as those aiming for careers in research, teaching, and industry. Two quarters/semesters each of biology and chemistry are assumed, and an overview of relevant chemistry is also provided in appendix I

Download PDF Microbiological Applications Lab Manual, Eighth


Various terms such as sterilization, disinfection, germicides, sepsis, and aseptic techniques will be used here. To be sure that you understand exactly what they mean, the following definitions are provided. Sterilization is a process in which all living microorganisms, including viruses, are destroyed. The organisms may be killed with steam, dry heat, or incineration. If we say an article is sterile, we understand that it is completely free of all living microorganisms. Generally speaking, when we refer to sterilization as it pertains here to laboratory safety, we think, primarily, in terms of steam sterilization with the autoclave. The ultimate method of sterilization is to burn up the infectious agents or incinerate them. All biological wastes must ultimately be incinerated for disposal. Disinfection is a process in which vegetative, nonsporing microorganisms are destroyed. Agents that cause disinfection are called disinfectants or germicides. Such agents are used only on inanimate objects because they are toxic to human and animal tissues. Sepsis is defined as the growth (multiplication) of microorganisms in tissues of the body. The term asepsis refers to any procedure that prevents the entrance of infectious agents into sterile tissues, thus preventing infection. Aseptic techniques refer to those practices that are used by microbiologists to exclude all organisms from contaminating media or contacting living tissues. Antiseptics are chemical agents (often dilute disinfectants) that can be safely applied externally to human tissues to destroy or inhibit vegetative bacteria.

Download PDF Pharmacogenomics Second Edition Werner Kalow


The occurrence of genetic influences upon one or other drug response was predicted by Sir Archibald Garrot in his 1931 book Inborn Factors in Diseases (1), and by J.B.S. Haldane in 1949 in an article entitled ‘‘Disease and Evolution’’ (2). Pharmacogenetics, as we know it today, arose as a new scientific entity in the late 1950s as a marriage of the older sciences of Pharmacology and Genetics.

Pharmacogenetics deals with heredity and the effect of drugs. It is a branch of science devoted to efforts of explaining variability of one or other drug response, and to search for the genetic basis of such variations or differences. It started by looking at differences between individual subjects, but as it developed, it also became concerned with genetic differences between populations. Many pharmacogeneticists happen to be mostly concerned with the human species but the science applies in principle to all living subjects on earth, primitive or complex, capable of responding to a drug or to a toxic chemical. Of many genetic responses to environmental impacts, Pharmacogenetics is only one (3). Human variation in pharmacogenetics is similar to human variation in response to foods (4). For instance, modern salt intake causes members of populations who come from salt-poor areas to develop cardio-vascular disease (5). Populations adjusted to frequent periods of starvation tend to show a high incidence of type 2 diabetes (6). There are different genetic mechanisms to fight infections. There is a gene conveying resistance to tuberculosis, acting before any immune response sets in (7). The mechanics of AIDS differ between Caucasians and Africans (8). Thus, pharmacogenetics is not a unique affair, but let us still look at its development.


  1. Historical Aspects of Pharmacogenetics 
  2. Pharmacogenomics and the Promise of Personalized Medicine
  3. Pharmacogenetics of Drug Metabolism: Two Clinically Important Polymorphic Enzymes, CYP2D6 and TPMT
  4. Receptors
  5. Pharmacogenetics of Drug Transporters
  6. Variability in Induction of Human Drug Metabolizing Enzymes
  7. Pharmacogenetics and Cardiac Ion Channels
  8. Interethnic Differences in Drug Response
  9. Clinical Perspectives
  10. Regulatory Perspectives on Pharmacogenomics
  11. Tools of the Trade: The Technologies and Challenges of Pharmacogenetics
  12. Technologies for the Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms—An Overview
  13. Molecular Diagnostics
  14. Metabonomics
  15. Multiplex Minisequencing on Microarrays: Application to Pharmacogenetics of Antihypertensive Drug Response
  16. MALDI-TOF MS: Applications in Genomics
  17. Gene Expression Analysis in Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics
  18. Proteomics
  19. Haplotype Structure and Pharmacogenomics
  20. Pharmacoepigenetics: From Basic Epigenetics to Therapeutic Applications
  21. WWW Bioinformatics Resources
  22. Pharmacogenomics: Applied Bioinformatics Chapter
  23. Mapping of Disease Loci
  24. Positional Cloning and Disease Gene Identification 
  25. Genome Variation Influencing Gene Copy Number and Disease
  26. General Conclusions and Future Directions

Download PDF Structure Based Study of REPLICATION VIRAL by R Holland Cheng


Human rhinoviruses (HRVs) are small, icosahedral, non-enveloped, singlestranded positive-sense RNA viruses. Out of the 74 type A serotypes 12, the minor group bind members of the LDL receptor-family; the remainder plus all the 25 type B HRVs bind intercellular adhesion molecule-1. HRVs enter cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis. The ensuing structural modifications lead to release of the viral RNA into the cytosol where virus replication takes place. Binding to plasma membrane receptors, entry into the cell, uncoating, and penetration of the viral genome are discussed with respect to receptor and virus structure. Despite high structural similarity, major and minor group HRVs, as well as the individual major group serotypes, differ with respect to the process of entry and uncoating.

Since the isolation of a common cold virus from nasal mucus and its propagation in tissue culture,1 much has been learned about the replication cycle of these small, icosahedral, single-stranded positive-sense RNA viruses termed “human rhinoviruses” (HRVs). Much knowledge stems from earlier studies of the related enteroviruses, in particular the polio virus and coxsackie virus, which are rather closely related to HRVs; with due care, insight gained from work on enteroviruses can often, but not always, be extrapolated to the rhinovirus field. Physicochemically, rhinoviruses are distinguished from enteroviruses based on their acid lability, a feature originally used for their classification; enteroviruses, in contrast, remain infective at pH below 3; thus, they can pass unharmed through the digestive tract. They infect the intestinal epithelia and sometimes spread throughout the body, causing viremia. Conversely, rhinoviruses are comparably harmless, usually remaining confined to the upper respiratory tract and only occasionally spreading to the lungs.

During the HRV infection cycle, the following sequence of events can be differentiated: (1) virus binding to its receptors at the plasma membrane; (2) entry into the cell by receptor-mediated endocytosis; (3) conformational change of the viral capsid; (4) release of the viral RNA (“uncoating”); (5) RNA penetration into the cytoplasm; (6) synthesis of viral proteins; (7) RNA replication; and (8) assembly and release of new, infectious virions.

HRVs are composed of a protein shell assembled from 60 copies each of the four capsid proteins VP1, 2, 3, and 4. VP4 is internal and in close proximity to the RNA; however, due to the dynamic nature of the capsid, large parts of VP4 and the capsid-internal N-terminus of VP1 become temporally exposed to the solvent, a feature termed “breathing.”2–6 The viral shell is about 30 nm in diameter with the five-fold axes of icosahedral symmetry being surrounded by a cleft, termed the canyon. It encloses a single-stranded RNA genome of roughly 7100 bases. Upon arrival in the cytosol, the RNA becomes translated into a polyprotein that is autocatalytically and co-translationally cleaved by the viral proteinases 2Apro, 3Cpro and 3CDpro into VP1, VP0, VP3 and the non-structural proteins. Maturation cleavage of VP0 into VP2 and VP4 occurs by an unknown protease upon virus assembly. Not counting the precursor proteins — such as 3CD, the precursor of the protease 3Cpro and the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 3Dpol — 11 mature polypeptides are eventually generated from the polyprotein


  1. Human Rhinovirus Cell Entry and Uncoating
  2. Role of Lipid Microdomains in Influenza 43  Virus Multiplication
  3. Functions of Integrin α 2β 1, A Collagen Receptor, in the Internalization of Echovirus
  4. Entry Mechanism of Murine and SARS 77 Coronaviruses — Similarity and Dissimilarity
  5. Hepatitis Viruses, Signaling Events and Modulation of the Innate Host Response
  6. Virus-Cell Interaction of HCV
  7. RNA Replication of Hepatitis C Virus
  8. Structure and Dynamics in Viral RNA Packaging
  9. Rational Design of Viral Protein Structures with Predetermined Immunological Properties
  10. Bioinformatics Resources for the Study of Viruses at the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute
  11. Virus Architecture Probed by Atomic Force Microscopy
  12. Filovirus Assembly and Budding
  13. Challenges in Designing HIV Env Immunogens for Developing a Vaccine
  14. Insights into the Caliciviridae Family
  15. Mathematical Approaches for Stoichiometric Quantification in Studies of Viral Assembly and DNA Packaging
  16. Virus-like Particles of Fish Nodavirus
  17. The Assembly of the Double-Layered Capsids of Phytoreo viruses
  18. Structure and Assembly of Human Herpesviruses: New Insights From Cryo- Electron Microscopy and Tomography
  19. Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Capsid Proteins: Immunogenicity and Possible Use as Prophylactic Vaccine Antigens
  20. Chimeric Recombinant Hepatitis E Virus- like Particles Presenting Foreign Epitopes as a Novel Vector of Vaccine by Oral Administration
  21. Nucleocapsid Protein of Hantaviruses (Bunyaviridae): Structure and Functions
  22. Astrovirus Replication: An Overview
  23. DNA Vaccines against Viruses
  24. Life Cycles of Polyomaviridae — DNA Tumor Virus

Download PDF Single Cell Analysis Technologies and Applications by Dario Anselmetti


Many problems in single cell analysis involve very basic questions: where do proteins or larger molecular assemblies go?How do they move: by Brownian motion, freely or in some restricted manner, or by active transport along one of the cell’s filament systems? Where are they captured, where do they bind and for how long? If binding, what are the interaction partners? Which factors are present at locations in large organelles, which are transiently bound, what is the sequence of molecular interactions? Especially the latter question is of great significance considering the functional role of large molecular complexes, which perform tasks like signal transduction, energy production, information processing, or protein formation and degradation. To approach these questions means developing an “intracellular biophysical chemistry.” Currently there are only a small number of techniques available to approach these questions of intracellular protein dynamics. Light microscopy and in particular fluorescence microscopy is certainly one of the methods of choice; and it has reached a high level of maturation and sophistication. Especially the past 20 years have seen a storm of developments in quantitative fluorescence microscopic techniques, which was triggered by the perfection of microscope optics and light detectors, the widespread use of continuous wave and pulsed lasers as excitation sources, the introduction of elegant optical concepts, the availability of massive computing power to resolve complex image processing tasks and, last but not least, the introduction of genetically engineered autofluorescent protein conjugates. In the past few years tremendous progress has been made with regard to bringing optical microscope resolution almost to the ultimate level of molecular sizes with the introduction of stimulated emission depletion microscopy [1] and nonlinear structured illumination microscopy [2, 3]. But high-resolution methods are often not applicable or optimally suited to examine dynamical processes. However for such problems fluorescence techniques appear to be almost ideal. Probably the most well known is fluorescence recovery after photobleaching, abbreviated FRAP [4]. Afurther technique, nowadays almost classic but nevertheless still rapidly expanding, is fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, FCS [5, 6]. A most recent and extremely powerful technique is single molecule tracking within cells [7]. Remarkably, monitoring single fluorescent molecules with a sufficiently high time resolution can provide real-time molecular views on biochemical processes within cells even in vivo. It is extremely fascinating and instructive to directly observe the motions and interactions of single protein molecules, ribonucleoprotein particles or oligonucleotides by state of the art light microscopy.


  1. Single Molecule Fluorescence Monitoring in Eukaryotic Cells: Intranuclear Dynamics of Splicing Factors
  2. Gene Classification and Quantitative Analysis of Gene Regulation in Bacteria using Single Cell Atomic Force Microscopy and Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy
  3. Cellular Cryo-Electron Tomography (CET): Towards a Voyage to the Inner Space of Cells
  4. Single Cell Analysis: Technologies
  5. Single Cell Proteomics
  6. Protein Analysis of Single Cells in Microfluidic Format
  7. Single Cell Mass Spectrometry
  8. Single Cell Analysis for Quantitative Systems Biology
  9. Optical Stretcher for Single Cells
  10. Single Cell Analysis: Applications
  11. Single Cell Immunology
  12. Molecular Characterization of Rare Single Tumor Cells
  13. Single Cell Heterogeneity
  14. Genome and Transcriptome Analysis of Single Tumor Cells