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Download PDF Water Loss Control by Julian Thornton dkk


The second edition of Water Loss Control has been written in the same spirit as the first edition, as a comprehensive guide to water auditing and hands-on reduction of water and revenue losses in water utility operations and management. The goal of the authors was to update the book with information on important innovations and technologies that have been developed since the first edition was released in July 2002. Climate issues, growing populations and deteriorating water supply infrastructure are exerting unprecedented pressure on water resources throughout the world. As a result, government and regulatory bodies and water utilities are experiencing a growing awareness of the importance of accurately assessing and efficiently controlling water losses as a means to preserve water resources while facilitating growing communities. Hence raising awareness of the extent of the problem and current practices in many systems in North America and around the world is still a very important component of this book. The book covers the tools required to perform an IWA/AWWA standardized water audit both on paper and in the field. Every water utility has unique characteristics and losses and a variety of effective tools must be available in the practitioner’s tool kit. This book provides valuable information for water utility managers to select the correct tools and methodology for the water and revenue losses encountered in their operations. The emphasis of the book is to promote the use of effective water loss control methods and tools as a cost-efficient means of controlling unchecked losses in water utilities. The book is suitable either as an educational tool for the inexperienced operator or as a reference manual for the more experienced operator.

A number of useful water loss publications are available to the water supply industry, however, this publication integrates ideas, techniques, methodologies and references from many international sources, making it a truly flexible and very comprehensive guide, which can be used in a variety of field situations.


  1. Introduction
  2. Water Loss Control: A Topic of the Twenty-First Century
  3. Understanding the Types of Water Losses
  4. Water Loss Management in the United States and Internationally—What is Necessary to Control the Water Loss Problem?
  5. Steps and Components of a Water Loss Control Program
  6. Validation of Source Meter Accuracy
  7. Evaluating Water Losses—Using a Standardized Water Audit and Performance Indicators
  8. Data Collection, Formatting, and Management
  9. Identifying Economic Interventions against Water Losses
  10. Modelling Water Losses
  11. Controlling Apparent Losses—Capturing Missing Revenue and Improving Consumption Data Integrity
  12. Controlling Apparent Losses—Customer Meter Inaccuracy
  13. Controlling Apparent Losses from Data Transfer Errors by Leveraging Advanced Metering Infrastructure
  14. Controlling Apparent Losses from Systematic Data Handling Errors in Customer Billing Systems
  15. Controlling Apparent Losses—Unauthorized Consumption
  16. Controlling Real Losses in the Field Proactive Leak Detection
  17. Controlling Real Losses—Speed and Quality of Leak Repair
  18. Controlling Real Losses—Pressure Management
  19. Controlling Real Losses—Infrastructure Management
  20. Water Effi ciency Programs
  21. Using In-House Staff or a Contractor and Designing a Bid Document
  22. Understanding Basic Hydraulics

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