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Free Download PDF All New Electronics Self Teaching Guide Third By Harry Kybett and Earl Boysen


The rapid growth of modern electronics is truly a phenomenon. All of the things you see in the marketplace today that utilize electronics either did not exist before 1960, or were crude by today’s standards. Some of the many examples of modern electronics in the home include the small (but powerful) pocket calculator, the personal computer, the portable MP3 player, the DVD player, and digital cameras. Many industries have been founded, and older industries have been revamped, because of the availability and application of modern electronics in manufacturing processes, as well as in electronics products themselves.

Modern electronics is based on the transistor and its offspring— the integrated circuit (IC) and the microprocessor. These have short-circuited much of traditional electronic theory, revolutionized its practice, and set the whole field off on several new paths of discovery. This book is a first step to help you begin your journey down those paths.

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