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Free Download PDF The Complete Idiot's Guide Electrical Repair By Terry Meany


Electrical wiring, fixtures, and appliances have been part of our homes for almost a century, and they’ve been a wonder, unless your system is almost a century old! Then you have to wonder if it’s safe, let alone satisfactory to meet the demands of a modern lifestyle. Even if you have a newer system, you may still want to make additions to it and extend its capabilities. In principle, this is just another remodeling job, but we treat wiring differently. Adding a circuit isn’t the same as adding a cabinet. A poorly planned or installed cabinet won’t shock you or create a fire hazard. Nor does it require a permit and an inspection. You can hang it crooked or hang it over a water pipe, and it will still do its job. Electrical work isn’t so easy, but it isn’t incomprehensibly difficult, either.

Many of us have little understanding of our electrical systems, or electricity itself for that matter, so we call electricians when we can’t figure out why the lights keep going out or when we want to add a receptacle to a bedroom. Even in an age of supermoms and multitasking dads, we can’t know how to do everything, but does electrical wiring need to be all that daunting? No, it does not, as you’ll see by the time you’ve finished reading this book.

Big jobs, like installing a new electrical service, are usually best left to professional electricians, but anyone with a few tools, some elementary math skills, and a free weekend can add a circuit or replace old light fixtures. Wiring is a relentlessly logical process (well, that and a lot of drilling and pulling). The rules are clearly spelled out and easy to follow. You can put away your unwarranted fears about electricity—but not your precautions—and safely do much of your own work.

The chapters that follow will give you a better understanding of just what electricity is and how wiring systems work. We’ll walk through the steps for everything from replacing a switch to wiring a bathroom. As you read, the mystery will slowly wear off as you start planning more lights, receptacles, and upgrades. You can even automate your house and set it up like one of the bad guy’s fortresses in a James Bond movie. Like any remodeling project, upgrading or adding on to your electrical system will require planning and a budget, at least for the bigger jobs. Large jobs, such as rewiring the bulk of your house, should be broken down into smaller jobs so they’re less overwhelming. If you try to do too much at once, it’s easy to find yourself with a jumble of wires, all of your circuits disconnected, and the end of the day approaching. Remember, you’re learning some new skills. You won’t become a master electrician overnight.

Electrical work brings some secondary tasks along with it. In some cases, you’ll have to open up your walls and ceilings, and this means patching those holes later. Patching is usually followed by painting. It’s tempting to let this go since it’s surprisingly easy to let three or four years pass by looking at partially patched and unpainted walls. Be sure to give yourself enough time to complete the entire job.
Finally, remember why you’re doing these projects: to make your home more comfortable,
up-to-date, and safe.

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