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Free Download PDF Digital Photography Essentials By Tom Ang


Photography is the most popular and influential visual medium the world has ever known. The sheer scale of digital photography, in particular, is overwhelming: each year, more than a billion digital cameras are sold worldwide. This figure includes more than 200 million sales of cameras such as dSLRs and point-and-shoot models, with the rest consisting of sales of cell phones with cameras whose image-capture capabilities far surpass those of early digital cameras.

Visit the top three photo-sharing websites and you’ll have access to a staggering 40 billion images. That figure is worth repeating: 40 billion images. Indeed, digital images are being added so rapidly and continuously from every corner of the world that website administrators are only able to host a tiny percentage of the images available to them. In short, we routinely capture more images in a single year than were captured in the entire history of pre-digital photography.

The ubiquity of digital photography has helped fuel its popularity: today there are more photography enthusiasts than ever before. Digital technologies also enable photographers to achieve professional results with relatively little expense. The result is radically demotic: more people in more countries than ever before—across more cultures, classes, religions, and races—are able to enjoy the rewards and challenges of photography.

My first book on digital photography was published in 1999. At that time, film was the professional’s medium of choice, and there were many noisy debates espousing the merits of film— often at the expense of the digital form. Back then, the burden of sorting through thousands of images was one faced only by the large picture agencies. Four editions of the book later, digital capture has all but replaced film-based photography—even at the professional level. Amateurs use cameras whose power far exceeds earlier professional models which often cost as much as a car. We also have mature solutions for handling the thousands of images routinely produced on each assignment or overseas vacation. In addition, video capture has entered the scene as a thrilling and rapidly maturing function of all types of digital camera.

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