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Free Download PDF Beginning Programming with C For Dummies By Dan Gookin


As a programmer, I’ve toiled through many, many programming books. I know what I really don’t like to see, and, lamentably, I see it often — that is, where the author writes pages-long code or simply boasts about what he knows, impressing his fellow nerds and not really teaching anything. Too much of that type of training exists, which is probably why you’ve picked up this book.

My approach here is simple: Short programs. To-the-point demonstrations. Lots of examples. Plenty of exercises.

The best way to learn something is by doing it. Each concept presented in this book is coupled with sample code. The listings are short enough that you can quickly type them in — and I recommend that you do so. You can then build and run the code to see how things work. This immediate feedback is not only gratifying, it’s also a marvelous learning tool.

This book teaches the C programming language. It starts out by assuming that you know little to nothing about programming, and it finishes by covering some of the more advanced C operations.

To program in C, you need a computer. This book makes no assumptions about the computer you select: It can be a Windows PC, a Macintosh, or a Linux system. Central to all systems, and to programming in this book, is to set up and use the Code::Blocks integrated development environment, or IDE. Steps to do so are offered in Chapter 1.

This book also wastes no time, getting you started immediately in Chapter 1. Nothing is introduced without a full explanation first, although due to the nature of programming, I’ve made a few exceptions; they’re carefully noted in the text. Otherwise, the book flows from front to back, which is how you can best read this book.

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