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Free Download PDF Computer Incident Response and Forensics Team Management By Leighton R. Johnson III


When I started as the corporate Computer Security Manager for a large retail organization 15 years ago, there was no response team, no computer security awareness among the IT staff or senior management, and no driving need to implement any security activities, structures, or requirements for the corporate workers. Everyone from the CEO down thought the computer security situation was someone else’s problem and concern—the classic “not my problem” syndrome.

The first task I embarked on as the Computer Security Manager was to educate the senior executives in the need for corporate computer security and the ability to respond to potential threats to the work environment. It took almost a year, but the corporate leadership did finally accept and fund the development of an incident response capability which was that industry’s first team specifically designed to handle and manage incidents which affected the day-to-day operations of the organization and its “bottom line.” 

Security Incident Response and Forensics Response Teams (SIR&FT) are needed more today than ever before during the Computer and Internet Era which has developed over the last 40 years. Today, with most security response organizations and vendors reporting an incredible 30,000–70,000 pieces of new malware being introduced each day, the need for responders and investigators is at an all-time high. Every major corporation, all governmental agencies, and most organizations operating on the Internet, using e-mail, or transacting business online require the ability to respond to an unexpected or malicious attack on their networks and infrastructure just to stay in business, let alone perform their daily tasks safely and securely.

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