Download PDF Thinking In C++ Second Edition by Bruce Eckel


The genesis of the computer revolution was in a machine. The genesis of our programming languages thus tends to look like that machine. But computers are not so much machines as they are mind amplification tools (“bicycles for the mind,” as Steve Jobs is fond of saying) and a different kind of expressive medium. As a result, the tools are beginning to look less like machines and more like parts of our minds, and also like other expressive mediums such as writing, painting, sculpture, animation, and filmmaking. Object-oriented programming is part of this movement toward using the computer as an expressive medium.
This chapter will introduce you to the basic concepts of objectoriented programming (OOP), including an overview of OOP development methods. This chapter, and this book, assume that you have had experience in a procedural programming language, although not necessarily C. If you think you need more preparation in programming and the syntax of C before tackling this book, you should work through the “Thinking in C: Foundations for C++ and Java” training CD ROM, bound in with this book and also available at
This chapter is background and supplementary material. Many people do not feel comfortable wading into object-oriented programming without understanding the big picture first. Thus, there are many concepts that are introduced here to give you a solid overview of OOP. However, many other people don’t get the big picture concepts until they’ve seen some of the mechanics first; these people may become bogged down and lost without some code to get their hands on. If you’re part of this latter group and are eager to get to the specifics of the language, feel free to jump past this chapter – skipping it at this point will not prevent you from writing programs or learning the language. However, you will want to come back here eventually to fill in your knowledge so you can understand why objects are important and how to design with them. 


  1. Introduction to Objects
  2.  Making & Using Objects
  3. The C in C++
  4. Data Abstraction
  5. Hiding the Implementation
  6. Initialization & Cleanup
  7. Function Overloading & Default Arguments
  8. Constants
  9. Inline Functions
  10. Name Control
  11. References & the Copy-Constructor
  12. Operator Overloading
  13. Dynamic Object Creation
  14. Inheritance & Composition
  15. Polymorphism & Virtual Functions
  16. Introduction to Templates
  17. Coding Style
  18. Programming Guidelines


Download PDF The Elements of C++ Style by Trevor Misfeldt


The syntax of a programming language tells you what code it is possible to write—what machines will understand. Style tells you what you ought to write—what humans reading the code will understand. Code written with a consistent, simple style is maintainable, robust, and contains fewer bugs. Code written with no regard to style contains more bugs, and may simpl be thrown away and rewritten rather than maintained.
Attending to style is particularly important when developing as a team. Consistent style facilitates communication, because it enables team members to read and understand each other’s work more easily. In our experience, the value of consistent programming style grows exponentially with the number of people working with the code.


  1.  Introduction
  2. General Principles
  3. Formatting Conventions
  4. Naming Conventions
  5. Documentation Conventions
  6. Programming Principles
  7. Programming Conventions
  8. Packaging Conventions

Download PDF The C+ + Programming Language Third Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup


The introductory chapters provide an example of a general technique that is applied throughout this book: to enable a more direct and realistic discussion of some technique or feature, I occasionally present a concept briefly at first and then discuss it in depth later. This approach allows me to present concrete examples before a more general treatment of a topic. Thus, the organization of this book reflects the observation that we usually learn best by progressing from the concrete to the abstract – even where the abstract seems simple and obvious in retrospect.

Part I describes the subset of C++ that supports the styles of programming traditionally done in C or Pascal. It covers fundamental types, expressions, and control structures for C++ programs. Modularity – as supported by namespaces, source files, and exception handling – is also discussed. I assume that you are familiar with the fundamental programming concepts used in Part I. For example, I explain C++’s facilities for expressing recursion and iteration, but I do not spend much time explaining how these concepts are useful.

Part II describes C++’s facilities for defining and using new types. Concrete and abstract classes (interfaces) are presented here (Chapter 10, Chapter 12), together with operator overloading (Chapter 11), polymorphism, and the use of class hierarchies (Chapter 12, Chapter 15). Chapter 13 presents templates, that is, C++’s facilities for defining families of types and functions. It demonstrates the basic techniques used to provide containers, such as lists, and to support generic programming. Chapter 14 presents exception handling, discusses techniques for error handling, and presents strategies for fault tolerance. I assume that you either aren’t well acquainted with objectoriented programming and generic programming or could benefit from an explanation of how the main abstraction techniques are supported by C++. Thus, I don’t just present the language features supporting the abstraction techniques; I also explain the techniques themselves. Part IV goes further in this direction.

Part III presents the C++ standard library. The aim is to provide an understanding of how to use the library, to demonstrate general design and programming techniques, and to show how to extend the library. The library provides containers (such as l i s t , v e c t o r , and m a p ; Chapter 16, Chapter 17), standard algorithms (such as s o r t , f i n d , and m e r g e ; Chapter 18, Chapter 19), strings (Chapter 20), Input/Output (Chapter 21), and support for numerical computation (Chapter 22). Part IV discusses issues that arise when C++ is used in the design and implementation of large software systems. Chapter 23 concentrates on design and management issues. Chapter 24 discusses the relation between the C++ programming language and design issues. Chapter 25 presents some ways of using classes in design.


  1. Introductory Material
  2. Notes to the Reader
  3. A Tour of C++
  4. A Tour of the Standard Library
  5. Basic Facilities
  6. Types and Declarations
  7. Pointers, Arrays, and Structures
  8. Expressions and Statements
  9. Functions
  10. Namespaces and Exceptions
  11. Source Files and Programs
  12. Abstraction Mechanisms
  13. Classes
  14. Operator Overloading
  15. Derived Classes
  16. Templates
  17. Exception Handling
  18. Class Hierarchies
  19. The Standard Library
  20. Library Organization and Containers
  21. Standard Containers
  22. Algorithms and Function Objects
  23. Iterators and Allocators
  24. Strings
  25. Streams
  26. Numerics
  27. Design Using C++
  28. Development and Design
  29. Design and Programming
  30. Roles of Classes

Download PDF Calculus For The Practical Man by D. Van Nostrand

Download PDF You Can Program in C++ A Programmer’s Introduction by Francis Glassborow


You may already know that C++ (pronounced ‘see plus plus’) is so named because it was designed by Bjarne Stroustrup as a successor to an earlier (and still widely used) language called C. In C, ++ means ‘increment’ and, in mathematical terms, to increment means to obtain something’s successor. Therefore, you could interpret the name as meaning ‘the successor of C’. Like the concept of a successor in mathematics, that does not imply replacement. If you already know C, you need to recognize that C++ is a new and different language, even though much C source code will compile as C++. Usually the result of a successful compilation of C source code with a C++ compiler will be a program that behaves exactly like the one produced by a C compiler. However, that is not always true. In the early 1980s, Bjarne Stroustrup designed an extension to C that he called ‘C with classes’. If you are interested in the history of how that personal tool grew up to become the most widely used programming language in the world and one that has fired the imaginations of many people you will have to look elsewhere. (A good place to start would be with The Design and Evolution of C++ [Stroustrup 1994].) This book is about programming in C++ as the ISO/IEC 14882:2003 Standard defines it, that is, Standard C++ as it was specified in 2003 (which is the first official standard, with various corrections that were made between 1998 and 2003).

C++ is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world. It is also one of the largest programming languages ever designed. Bjarne Stroustrup specified that one of the design criteria of the language is that there should be no room for a lower-level language between C++ and native machine code. Very few programmers ever use C++’s lowest level, and many do not even know that it has an asm keyword, which allows support for writing code in assembler. The incorporation of C into C++ was an important design decision. On the positive side, it made it easy for C programmers to transfer to C++. Having made the transfer they could, at least in theory, incrementally add to their C++ skills and understanding. On the negative side, it has tied C++ to a number of features of C’s design that experience has shown to be, at best, problematical. It has also caused problems to many who have moved from C to C++, because they have made the transition from a C to a C++ compiler without actually making the mental transition from C to C++. They are still C programmers at heart. There is nothing wrong with that, but it does provide a roadblock to their becoming fluent C++ programmers. If you are a C programmer you may find studying modern C++ tougher than you would if your first language were something else. At the high end of C++ we find tools that allow innovators to do metaprogramming, that is, source code that generates source code.Wewill not be exploring that in this book, but it is worth noting that in learning C++ you are learning a language that supports the most innovative development of programming currently around. In between assembler support and support for metaprogramming, C++ provides tools for procedural programming, object-based programming, object-oriented programming (I will explain the difference later when you know enough C++ to appreciate the differences), and generic programming. With care, you can even do some functional programming.
Alongside the raw power of the core of the C++ language, the Standard C++ Library supports a wide range of things that programmers commonly want to do. We have learnt a great deal over the last few years, and were we to start writing a library today we might produce a substantially different one. However, what we have is better than anything provided previously in any widely used programming language. In addition, much of the library has been designed for extension: it is designed so that new components can easily be added and work correctly with standard components. On the other hand the Standard Library currently lacks many of the components that users of more recent languages such as Java, C#, and Python have come to expect. It is both one of the strengths and one of the weaknesses of C++ that it does not dictate a methodology or paradigm. When people first learn C++ this can be a problem, because the range of choice requires understanding of the implications of those choices. If the newcomer already knows another programming language, they will naturally try to discover how to write their first language in C++ terms. They will think in their first language and try to translate into C++. Such is the range of C++ that they can often get a close approximation, but that usually does not lead to good C++.
C++ can be viewed as everyone’s second language. Mastery of C++ requires that you leave behind the crutch of your first language. That is hard and you will make many mistakes along the way. However, the result will be that you are a much better programmer both in C++ and in any other programming language you already know or choose to learn later.
C++ has a wide range of operators. Most of them can be extended to include user-defined types. With the potential for redefinition comes the responsibility to use such a facility wisely. The intention was that it should be possible to add types such as complex numbers, matrices, quaternions, etc. and provide the operators that a domain specialist would expect and find intuitive. Unfortunately, some programmers take the availability of a mechanism as a challenge to find creative ways of using it. The result is that their code becomes ever more obscure.
C++ is a living language. By this I mean two things. The first is that the very best users continue to develop new idioms and other ways to use it. The entire growth of metaprogramming in C++ started one evening when a group of experts realized that the template technology of C++ (designed to support generic programming) was a Turing-complete programming language in its own right, one that was implemented at compile time. C++ was not designed for metaprogramming, so using it is often ugly, but it has enabled experts to explore the potential of metaprogramming.
The second way in which C++ is a living language is that it is subject to periodic change. Even as I write, those responsible for the definition of C++ (WG21, an ISO standards committee) are working on changes that will eventually come into effect at the end of this decade. Some of those changes are to make C++ easier to write and to learn, some are aimed at cleaning up inconsistencies, and some will be aimed at further extending the power of the language. At the time of writing it is impossible to predict exactly what will be added and what changes will be introduced. I know that providing better support for metaprogramming is one of the potential additions to C++.


  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of C++
  3. Getting Started
  4. Fundamental Types, Operators, and Simple Variables
  5. Looping and Making Decisions
  6. Namespaces and the C++ Standard Library
  7. Writing Functions in C++
  8. Behavior, Sequence Points, and Order of Evaluation
  9. Generic Functions
  10. User-Defined Types, Part 1: typedef and enum
  11. User-Defined Types, Part 2: Simple classes (value types)
  12. User-Defined Types, Part 3: Simple classes (homogeneous entity types)
  13. Pointers, Smart Pointers, Iterators, and Dynamic Instances
  14. User-Defined Types, Part 4: Class hierarchies, polymorphism, inheritance, and subtypes
  15. Dynamic Object Creation and Polymorphic Objects
  16. Streams, Files, and Persistence
  17. Exceptions
  18. Overloading Operators and Conversion Operators
  19. Containers, Iterators, and Algorithms
  20. Something Old, Something New

Download PDF Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus fundamentals of 2D and 3D Game Programming by André Lamothe


A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away, I wrote a book about game programming called Tricks of the Game Programming Gurus. For me, it was an opportunity to create something that I had always wanted—a book that taught the reader how to make games. Anyway, it’s been a few years and I’m a little older and wiser, and I have definitely learned a lot of tricks <BG>. This book is going to continue where the old book left off. I’m going to cover every major topic in game programming that I can fit within the binding of this bad boy!
However, as usual, I’m not going to assume that you are already a master programmer or that you even know how to make games. This book is for beginners as well as advanced game programmers. Nonetheless, the tempo is going to be fierce, so don’t blink!
Today is probably the coolest time in history to be in the game business. I mean, we now have the technology to create games that do look real! Imagine what will come next? But all this technology isn’t easy to understand or trivial—it takes hard work. These days the bar has definitely been raised on the skill set needed to make games. But if you’re reading this, you are probably one of those people who like a challenge, right? Well, you came to right place, because when you’re done with this book you will be able to create a full 3D, texture-mapped, professionally lit video game for the PC. Moreover, you will understand the underlying principles of artificial intelligence, physics modeling, game algorithms, 2D/3D graphics, and be able to use 3D hardware today and in the future.


  1. Windows Programming Foundations
  2. Journey into the Abyss
  3. The Windows Programming Model
  4. Advanced Windows Programming
  5. Windows GDI, Controls, and Last-Minute Gift Ideas
  6. DirectX and 2D Fundamentals
  7. DirectX Fundamentals and the Dreaded COM
  8. First Contact: DirectDraw
  9. Advanced DirectDraw and Bitmapped Graphics
  10. Vector Rasterization and 2D Transformations
  11. Uplinking with DirectInput and Force Feedback
  12. Sounding Off with DirectSound and DirectMusic
  13. Hardcore Game Programming
  14. Algorithms, Data Structures, Memory Management, and Multithreading
  15. Making Silicon Think with Artificial Intelligence
  16. Playing God: Basic Physics Modeling
  17. Putting It All Together: You Got Game!

Download PDF Thinking In C++ 2nd Edition, Volume 2 by Bruce Eckel


C++ is a language where new and different features are built on top of an existing syntax. (Because of this it is referred to as a hybrid object-oriented programming language.) As more people have passed through the learning curve, we’ve begun to get a feel for the way programmers move through the stages of the C++ language features. Because it appears to be the natural progression of the procedurally-trained mind, I decided to understand and follow this same path, and accelerate the process by posing and answering the questions that came to me as I learned the language and that came from audiences as I taught it.
This course was designed with one thing in mind: to streamline the process of learning the C++ language. Audience feedback helped me understand which parts were difficult and needed extra illumination. In the areas where I got ambitious and included too many features all at once, I came to know – through the process of presenting the material – that if you include a lot of new features, you have to explain them all, and the student’s confusion is easily compounded. As a result, I’ve taken a great deal of trouble to introduce the features as few at a time as possible; ideally, only one major concept at a time per chapter.
The goal, then, is for each chapter to teach a single concept, or a small group of associated concepts, in such a way that no additional features are relied upon. That way you can digest each piece in the context of your current knowledge before moving on. To accomplish this, I leave some C features in place for longer than I would prefer. The benefit is that you will not be confused by seeing all the C++ features used before they are explained, so your introduction to the language will be gentle and will mirror the way you will assimilate the features if left to your own devices.


  1. Strings
  2. Iostreams
  3. Templates in depth
  4. STL Containers & Iterators
  5. STL Algorithms
  6. Multiple inheritance
  7. Exception handling
  8. Run-time type identification
  9. Building stable systems
  10. Design patterns
  11. Tools & topics

Download PDF Chemistry The Central Science 13TH Edition by Theodore L. Brown


Authors traditionally revise roughly 25% of the end of chapter questions when producing a new edition. These changes typically involve modifying numerical variables/identities of chemical formulas to make them “new” to the next batch of students. While these changes are appropriate for the printed version of the text, one of the strengths of MasteringChemistry® is itsability to randomize variables so that every student receives a “different” problem. Hence, the effort which authors have historically put into changing variables can now be used to improve questions. In order to make informed decisions, the author team consulted the massive reservoir of data available through MasteringChemistry® to revise their question bank. In particular, they analyized which problems were frequently assigned and why; they paid careful attention to the amount of time it took students to work through a problem (flagging those that took longer than expected) and they observed the wrong answer submissions and hints used (a measure used to calculate the difficulty of problems). This “metadata” served as a starting point for the discussion of which end of chapter questions should be changed.
For example, the breadth of ideas presented in Chapter 9 challenges students to understand three-dimensional visualization while simultaneously introducing several new concepts (particularly VSEPR, hybrids, and Molecular Orbital theory) that challenge their critical thinking skills. In revising the exercises for the chapter, the authors drew on the metadata as well as their own experience in assigning Chapter 9 problems in Mastering Chemistry. From these analyses, we were able to articulate two general revision guidelines.


  1.  Introduction: Matter and Measurement
  2.  Atoms, Molecules, and Ions 
  3. Chemical Reactions and Reaction Stoichiometry 
  4. Reactions in Aqueous Solution 
  5. Thermochemistry 
  6. Electronic Structure of Atoms 
  7. Periodic Properties of the Elements 
  8. Basic Concepts of Chemical Bonding 
  9. Molecular Geometry and Bonding Theories 
  10. Gases 
  11. Liquids and Intermolecular Forces 
  12. Solids and Modern Materials 
  13. Properties of Solutions 
  14. Chemical Kinetics 
  15. Chemical Equilibrium 
  16. Acid–Base Equilibria 
  17. Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria 
  18. Chemistry of the Environment 
  19. Chemical Thermodynamics 
  20. Electrochemistry 
  21. Nuclear Chemistry 
  22. Chemistry of the Nonmetals 
  23. Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry 
  24. The Chemistry of Life: Organic and Biological Chemistry

Download PDF Cells and Robots Modeling and Control of Large-Size Agent Populations by Dejan Lj. Milutinovi´c


Understanding development and functions of living organisms continuously occupies the attention of science. Consequently, mathematical modeling of biological systems is a recurrent topic in research. Recently, this field has become even more attractive due to technological improvements on data acquisition that provide researchers a further insight into such systems. Technology to read DNA sequences, or to observe protein structures along with a variety of microscopy methods, has enabled collecting large amounts of data around and inside the cell, classically considered as the smallest chunk of life.
In this book, we are particularly concerned with cells that have an active role protecting living organisms from infections caused by foreign bodies, constituting the immune system. The role of the immune system is to continuously monitor the organism, to recognize an invader, to generate a response that will clear the invader and to help healing the damaged tissues. The major components of this chain of action are motile cells. Cells motility1 is a property intrinsic to their function, i.e., to fight against infections in the right place at the right time during an immune response. While we are quite certain about the places where cells are produced and where they reside during their life cycle, the question of how they modulate their motion and bio-chemical activity against external stimuli still presents an active field of research.
Apparently, the immune system cells are autonomous agents. On the other hand, an autonomous mobile robot can be seen as the most natural mechanic analogy of the cell. Hence, we find studies about the cell bio-chemical signal processing, intercellular communication and cell reactive behavior in close relation to signal processing, communication and control for mobile robots. Investigation of the cell-robot analogy has the potential to influence future biological research, but also to provide the guidelines for the development of a systembased approach to describe and analyze complex multi-agent/robot systems.


  1.  Introduction
  2. Immune System and T-Cell Receptor Dynamics of a T-Cell Population
  3. Micro-Agent and Stochastic Micro-Agent Models
  4. Micro-Agent Population Dynamics
  5. Stochastic Micro-Agent Model of the T-Cell Receptor Dynamics
  6. Stochastic Micro-Agent Model Uncertainties
  7. Stochastic Modeling and Control of a Large-Size Robotic Population
  8. Conclusions and Future Work
  9. Stochastic Model and Data Processing of Flow Cytometry Measurements
  10. Estimated T-Cell Receptor Probability Density Function
  11. Steady State T-Cell Receptor Probability Density Function and Average Amount
  12. Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations

Download PDF Cass R. Sunstein - On Rumors. How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, and What Can Be Done 2014

Download PDF Canon® EOS 70D For Dummies by Julie Adair King


In 2003, Canon revolutionized the photography world by introducing the first digital SLR camera (dSLR) to sell for less than $1,000, the EOS Digital Rebel/300D. And even at that then-unheard-of price, the camera delivered exceptional performance and picture quality, earning it rave reviews and multiple industry awards. No wonder it quickly became a best seller.
That tradition of excellence and value lives on in the EOS Rebel 70D. Like its ancestors, this baby offers the range of advanced controls that experienced photographers demand plus an assortment of tools designed to help beginners be successful as well. Adding to the fun, this Rebel also offers the option to record full high-definition video, plus an articulating, touchscreen monitor that’s not only useful but also just plain cool.
The 70D is so feature-packed, in fact, that sorting out everything can be a challenge, especially if you’re new to digital photography or SLR photography, or both. For starters, you may not even be sure what SLR means, let alone have a clue about all the other terms you encounter in your camera manual — resolution, aperture, and ISO, for example. And if you’re like many people, you may be so overwhelmed by all the controls on your camera that you haven’t yet ventured beyond fully automatic picture-taking mode. That’s a shame because it’s sort of like buying a Porsche Turbo and never pushing it past 50 miles per hour.
Therein lies the point of Canon EOS 70D For Dummies. In this book, you can discover not only what each bell and whistle on your camera does but also when, where, why, and how to put it to best use. Unlike many photography books, this one doesn’t require any previous knowledge of photography or digital imaging to make sense of concepts, either. In classic For Dummies style, everything is explained in easy-to-understand language, with lots of illustrations to help clear up any confusion.
In short, what you have in your hands is the paperback version of an in-depth photography workshop tailored specifically to your Canon picture-taking powerhouse. Whether your interests lie in taking family photos, exploring nature and travel photography, or snapping product shots for your business, you’ll get the information you need to capture the images you envision.


  1.  Getting the Lay of the Land
  2. Choosing Basic Picture Settings
  3. Taking Great Pictures, Automatically
  4. Exploring Live View Shooting and Movie Making
  5. Picture Playback
  6. Downloading, Printing, and Sharing Your Photos
  7. Getting Creative with Exposure
  8. Manipulating Focus and Color
  9. Putting It All Together
  10. Ten Features to Explore on a Rainy Day
  11. Ten More Ways to Customize Your Camera

Download PDF Clinical Anatomy Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors by HAROLD ELLIS


The clinical anatomy of the thorax is in daily use in clinical practice. The routine examination of the patient’s chest is nothing more than an exercise in relating the deep structures of the thorax to the chest wall. Moreover, so many common procedures – chest aspiration, insertion of a chest drain or of a subclavian line, placement of a cardiac pacemaker, for example – have their basis, and their safe performance, in sound anatomical knowledge.

Since the 1st and 12th ribs are difficult to feel, the ribs should be enumerated from the 2nd costal cartilage, which articulates with the sternum at the angle of Louis.
The spinous processes of all the thoracic vertebrae can be palpated in the midline posteriorly, but it should be remembered that the first spinous process that can be felt is that of C7 (the vertebra prominens).
The position of the nipple varies considerably in the female, but in the male it usually overlies the 4th intercostal space approximately 4 in (10 cm) from the midline. The apex beat, which marks the lowest and outermost point at which the cardiac impulse can be palpated, is normally in the 5th intercostal space 3.5 in (9 cm) from the midline and within the midclavicular line. (This corresponds to just below and medial to the nipple in the male, but it is always better to use bony rather than soft-tissue points of reference.)



  1. The Thorax
  2. The Abdomen and Pelvis
  3. The Upper Limb
  4. The Lower Limb
  5. The Head and Neck

Download PDFCCIE Cisco Wireless Exam (350-050) Quick Reference by Roger Nobel


Radio frequencies are high-frequency, alternating current (AC) signals that are radiated into the air through an antenna, creating radio waves. Radio waves propagate away from the antenna in a straight line in all directions at once, just like light rays from a bulb. More light bulbs spread around the room will provide better overall lighting. This translates into a stronger average signal for mobile clients. When radio waves hit a wall, door, or any obstruction, there is attenuation of the signal, which weakens the signal and can reduce throughput. The signal can also be refl ected or refracted.

WLAN devices work in a frequency range (wavebands) that belongs to the industrial, scientifi c, and medical (ISM) radio bands. The ISM band was originally reserved internationally for the use of RF electromagnetic fi elds for industrial, scientifi c, and medical purposes other than communications. In general, communications equipment must accept any interference generated by ISM equipment.


  1. Planning and Designing 802.11 Wireless Technologies
  2. Configure and Troubleshoot L2/L3 Network Infrastructure to Support WLANs
  3. Configure and Troubleshoot Infrastructure Application Services
  4. Configure and Troubleshoot Autonomous Deployment Mode
  5. Configure and Troubleshoot the Cisco Unified Wireless Deployment Model
  6. Configure and Troubleshoot WCS
  7. Configure and Troubleshoot WLAN Services

Download PDF Chicken Soup for the Soul: Boost Your Brain Power! You Can Improve and Energize Your Brain at Any Age by Marie Pasinski


“It’s the heart.”
“It’s the brain.”
“No, it’s the heart!”
“Darling, I KNOW it’s the BRAIN!” 

My husband and I often have a passionate argument about which organ in the body is the most important. He’s an internist and insists it’s the heart. If the heart isn’t working, he claims, blood doesn’t circulate, your cells don’t receive oxygen and pretty soon nothing else is working either. As a neurologist, I of course, have no doubt it’s the brain. After all, your brain is your very essence — it’s what makes you who you are. If your brain isn’t functioning, then what’s the point? Every once in a while I get him to concede I’m right.
Your brain is a marvel and your most precious possession. Weighing in at just three pounds, it is home to more than one hundred billion neurons interconnected by one hundred trillion synapses, giving rise to your consciousness and your every thought, mood and action. Modern neuroscience research has changed our perception of the brain dramatically. One of the breakthroughs I find most fascinating is our new understanding of the brain’s ability to redesign itself. We used to think the brain was static but now recognize that it is incredibly dynamic and constantly evolving. Like a work of art in progress, it’s continuously shaped and transformed by experiences and the way it is cared for. No matter your age or your past, it’s never too late to take advantage of this remarkable ability. I can’t think of a better way to highlight the potential of the human brain than by pairing stories of innovative individuals creatively using their minds with straightforward scientific explanations of what’s taking place in their brains. As the stories so eloquently illustrate, it’s possible to change the direction of thoughts, emotions and behaviors, which in turn may transform a moment, a day  or even an entire life. It is thrilling to share with you the explanations of the exciting neuroscience that allows this to happen.
As you read this book, I hope the stories as well as the captivating science inspire you to do more with your brain. Every one of us is capable of reaching our potential. And with no disrespect to the heart or any of the other organs, what better tool to help you get there than your wonderful, amazing brain?


  1.  Invest in Your Brain
  2. Your Amazing Memory
  3. Living Well to Age-Proof the Brain
  4. Shaping Your Thoughts and Emotions
  5. Wake Up Your Brain
  6. Don’t Accept Labels

Download PDF Collins English For Exams Writing For IELTS by Anneli Williams

Download PDF CNC Robotics Build Your Own Workshop Bot by Geoff Williams


I first th ought about adding a CNC router to my too l collection after finishing a kitchen cabinet renovation in my home. I refaced the cabinets and bui lt 26 new doors. during which I discovered that door building can become monotonou s at best. As always happens when you tell or show yo ur friends and family what you have done, someone wi ll have a similar project and enlist your help . That someone was my friend Geoff S. He wanted to do the same thing to his kitchen-reface and install new cabinet doors. I agreed to help him and he decided on a style of door that can be made from one piece of material cut to size and routed to create the look he wanted . Of course the prospect of bu ilding a who le Jot of doors and making templates to facilitate the routing wasn't too thrilling. That's when I thought a small CNC machine would come in handy. All th e repetitive routing could be asslgned to the CNC machine and the doors would more closely resemble each other once human error had been removed from the equation. Now the project didn't seem too bad at all!


  1. Design
  2. Electronics
  3. Making the Printed Circuit Board
  4. Driver Assembly
  5. Softwa re Setup and Driver Testing
  6. The Frame
  7. The Gantry and X-axis
  8. The Z and Y Axes
  9. Motor and Lead Screw Installation
  10. File Creation and KCam
  11. Tool Holders and Testing
  12. Examples
  13. Sources of Material

Download PDF Cloud Computing Theory and Practice by Dan C. Marinescu


The last decades have reinforced the idea that information processing can be done more efficiently centrally, on large farms of computing and storage systems accessible via the Internet. When computing resources in distant data centers are used rather than local computing systems, we talk about network-centric computing and network-centric content. Advancements in networking and other areas are responsible for the acceptance of the two new computing models and led to the grid computing movement in the early 1990s and, since 2005, to utility computing and cloud computing. In utility computing the hardware and software resources are concentrated in large data centers and  users can pay as they consume computing, storage, and communication resources. Utility computing often requires a cloud-like infrastructure, but its focus is on the business model for providing the computing services. Cloud computing is a path to utility computing embraced by major IT companies such as Amazon, Apple, Google, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, and others.
Cloud computing delivery models, deployment models, defining attributes, resources, and organization of the infrastructure discussed in this chapter are summarized in Figure 1.1. There are three cloud delivery models: Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure-as-a- Service (IaaS), deployed as public, private, community, and hybrid clouds.


  1. Introduction
  2. Parallel and Distributed Systems
  3. Cloud Infrastructure
  4. Cloud Computing: Applications and Paradigms
  5. Cloud Resource Virtualization
  6. Cloud Resource Management and Scheduling
  7. Networking Support
  8. Storage Systems
  9. Cloud Security
  10. Complex Systems and Self-Organization
  11. Cloud Application Development

Download PDF Cloud Computing and Digital Media Fundamental, Tecniques, and Applications by Shih, Timothy K., Li, Qing, Li, Kuan-Ching



Surgery is a discipline based on principles that have evolved from basic research and centuries of trial and error. These principles pervade every area of surgery, whether oral and maxillofacial, periodontal, or gastrointestinal. Part I provides information about patient health evaluation, managing medical emergencies, and surgical concepts, which together form the necessary foundation for presentations of the specialized surgical techniques in succeeding chapters in this book.
Many patients have medical conditions that affect their ability to tolerate oral and maxillofacial surgery and anesthesia. Chapter 1 discusses the process of evaluating the health status of patients. This chapter also describes methods of modifying surgical treatment plans to safely accommodate patients with the most common medical problems. Preventing medical emergencies in the patient undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery or other forms of dentistry is always easier than managing emergencies should they occur. Chapter 2 discusses the means of recognizing and managing common medical emergencies in the dental office. Just as important, Chapter 2 also provides information about measures to lower the probability of emergencies.
Contemporary surgery is guided by a set of guiding principles, most of which apply no matter where in the body they are put into practice. Chapter 3 covers the most important principles for those practitioners who perform surgery of the oral cavity and maxillofacial regions.
Surgery always leaves a wound, whether one was initially present or not. Although obvious, this fact is often forgotten by the inexperienced surgeon, who may act as if the surgical procedure is complete once the final suture has been tied and the patient leaves. The surgeon’s primary responsibility to the patient continues until the wound has healed; therefore, an understanding of wound healing is mandatory for anyone who intends to create wounds surgically or manage accidental wounds. Chapter 4 presents basic wound healing concepts, particularly as they relate to oral surgery.
The work of Semmelweiss and Lister in the 1800s made clinicians aware of the microbial origin of postoperative infections, thereby changing surgery from a last resort to a more predictably successful endeavor. The advent of antibiotics designed to be used systemically further advanced surgical science, allowing elective surgery to be performed at low risk. However, pathogenic communicable organisms still exist, and when the epithelial barrier is breached during surgery, these can cause wound infections or systemic infectious diseases. The most serious examples are the hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In addition, microbes resistant to even to the most powerful antimicrobials today are emerging, making surgical asepsis more important than ever. Chapter 5 describes the means of minimizing the risk of significant wound contamination and the spread of infectious organisms among individuals. This includes thorough decontamination of surgical instruments, disinfection of the room in which surgery is performed, lowering of bacterial counts in the operative site, and adherence to infection control principles by the members of the surgical team—in other words, strict adherence to aseptic technique.



Download PDF Concepts in Federal Taxation 2012 Edition by Kevin E. Murphy


If you are begi nning the stud y of the fed eral income tax law and plan to become a tax attorney or accountant, why you are taki ng this cour se is obvious . But if you want to become a mana gement accountant or auditor, why should you study fed eral incom e taxation ? Don’t acco untantsrely on tax specialists to do tax research and prep are ta x returns? Better yet, why should a busi ness execu tive, an attorney, a phy sician, or a farmer ta ke a tax course? Each of them also can, and often does , have professional tax advisers to take care of his or her tax problems. The heart of the answer lies in the fact that most economic transactions have an incom e tax effect.
The income tax law influences personal decisions of individuals. The decision to buy a house instead of renting one may depend on the after-tax cost of the alternatives. Although the payment of rent reimbur ses the owner of the dwelling for mor tgage interest and property tax, a tenant cannot deduct the cost of renting a home. However, a homeowner can save income tax by deducting home mortgage interest and property tax and perhaps educe the after -tax cost of buying relative to renting.



Download PDF Computer Forensics with FTK Enhance your computer forensics knowledge through illustrations, tips, tricks, and practical real-world scenarios by Fernando Carbone


Forensic Toolkit (FTK) is a complete platform for digital investigations, developed to assist the work of professionals working in the information security, technology, and law enforcement sectors. Through innovative technologies used in filters and the indexing engine, the relevant evidence of investigation cases can be quickly accessed, dramatically reducing the time to perform the analysis. 


  1.  Getting Started with Computer Forensics Using FTK
  2. Working with FTK Imager
  3. Working with Registry View
  4. Working with FTK Forensics
  5. Processing the Case
  6. New Features of FTK 5
  7. Working with PRTK

Download PDF Color Atlas and Text of Histology Sixth Edition by Leslie P. Gartner


Cells not only constitute the basic units of the human body but also function in executing all of the activities that the body requires for its survival. Although there are more than 200 different cell types, most cells possess common features, which permit them to perform their varied responsibilities. The living component of the cell is the protoplasm, which is subdivided into the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm (see Graphics 1-1 and 1-2). The protoplasm also contains nonliving material such as crystals and pigments.


  1. The Cell
  2. Epithelium and Glands
  3. Connective Tissue
  4. Cartilage and Bone
  5. Blood and Hemopoiesis
  6. Muscle
  7. Nervous Tissue
  8. Circulatory System
  9. Lymphoid Tissue
  10. Endocrine System
  11. Integument 
  12. Digestive System II
  13. Digestive System III
  14. Urinary System
  15. Female Reproductive System
  16. Male Reproductive System
  17. Special Senses
  18. Respiratory System
  19. Digestive System I

Download PDF CONTROL VALVE HANDBOOK Fourth Edition by Fisher


Process plants consist of hundreds, or even thousands, of control loops all networked together to produce a product to be offered for sale. Each of these control loops is designed to keep some important process variable such as pressure, flow, level, temperature, etc. within a required operating range to ensure the quality of the end product. Each of these loops receives and internally creates disturbances that detrimentally affect the process variable, and interaction from other loops in the network provides disturbances that influence the process variable.
To reduce the effect of these load disturbances, sensors and transmitters collect information about the process variable and its relationship to some desired set point. A controller then processes this information and decides what must be done to get the process variable back to where it should be after a load disturbance occurs. When all the measuring, comparing, and calculating are done, some type of final control element must implement the strategy selected by the controller.
The most common final control element in the process control industries is the control valve. The control valve manipulates a flowing fluid, such as gas, steam, water, or chemical compounds, to compensate for the load disturbance and keep the regulated process variable as close as possible to the desired set point.


  1. Introduction to Control Valves
  2. Control Valve Performance
  3. Valve and Actuator Types
  4. Control Valve Accessories
  5. Control Valve Selection
  6. Special Control Valves
  7. Steam Conditioning Valves
  8. Installation and Maintenance
  9. Standards and Approvals
  10. Engineering Data
  11. Pipe Data
  12. Conversions and Equivalents



In the last two decades, heat transfer study on discrete heat sources has become a subject of increased interest due to advances in the electronics industry. Increased power dissipation is the most significant feature of new generation electronic devices and more significant heat flux densities are obtained as a result of miniaturization. Consequently, the assumption of cooling of electronic devices has increased interest in the analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer in discrete heating situations. Previous works have studied the natural, mixed, and forced convection in inclined channels due to their practical applications such as electronic systems, high performance heat exchangers, chemical process equipments, combustion chambers, environmental control systems and so on.
An interesting study was reported on the fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics associated with cooling an in-line array of discrete protruding heated blocks in a channel by using a single laminar slot air jet (Arquis et al., 2007). Numerical experiments were carried out for different values of jet Reynolds number, channel height, slot width, spacing between blocks, block height, and block thermal conductivity. The effects of variation of these parameters were detailed to illustrate important fundamental and practical results that are relevant to the thermal management of electronic packages. In general, the effective cooling of blocks was observed to increase with the increase of Reynolds number and the decrease of channel height. Circulation cells that may appear on the top surface of the downstream blocks were shown to decrease the value of Nusselt number for these blocks. The values of surface averaged Nusselt number attained their maximum at the block just underneath the impinging air jet, decreased for the downstream blocks, and approximately reached a constant value after the third block.
A numerical study (Madhusudhana & Narasimham, 2007) was carried out on conjugate mixed convection arising from protruding heat generating ribs attached to substrates forming a series of vertical parallel plate channels. A channel with periodic boundary conditions in the transverse direction was considered for analysis where identical disposition and heat generation of the ribs on each board were assumed. The governing equations were discretised using a control volume approach on a staggered mesh and a pressure correction method was employed for the pressure–velocity coupling.


  1. A Mixed Convection Study in Inclined Channels with Discrete Heat Sources
  2. Periodically Forced Natural Convection Through the Roof of an Attic-Shaped Building
  3. Analysis of Mixed Convection in a Lid Driven Trapezoidal Cavity
  4. Convective Heat Transfer of Unsteady Pulsed Flow in Sinusoidal Constricted Tube
  5. Numerical Solution of Natural Convection Problems by a Meshless Method
  6. Hydromagnetic Flow with Thermal Radiation
  7. Transient Heat Conduction in Capillary Porous Bodies
  8. Non-Linear Radiative-Conductive Heat Transfer in a Heterogeneous Gray Plane-Parallel Participating Medium
  9. Optimization of the Effective Thermal Conductivity of a Composite
  10. Computation of Thermal Conductivity of Gas Diffusion Layers of PEM Fuel Cells
  11. Analytical Methods for Estimating Thermal Conductivity of Multi-Component Natural Systems in Permafrost Areas
  12. Heating in Biothermal Systems
  13. A Generalised RBF Finite Difference Approach to Solve Nonlinear Heat Conduction Problems on Unstructured Datasets
  14. Heat Transfer Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars
  15. Modelling of Heat Transfer and Phase Transformations in the Rapid Manufacturing of Titanium Components
  16. Measurement of Boundary Conditions - Surface Heat Flux and Surface Temperature
  17. Properties and Numerical Modeling-Simulation of Phase Changes Material
  18. Finite Element Methods to Optimize by Factorial Design the Solidification of Cu-5wt%Zn Alloy in a Sand Mold

Download PDF Creating Visual Effects in Maya Fire, Water, Debris, and Destruction by Lee Lanier


Paint Effects is a unique visual effects system within Maya that produces myriad geometry with the stroke of a brush. Although the geometry is based on primitive tubes, simple meshes, or sprites, its complex growth can emulate a wide range of natural objects, including a variety of plant life, animal fur and feathers, fire, electrical arcs and sparks, base elements such as metal and water, and artistic materials that include pencil, pastel, and oil.
You can apply Paint Effects to an empty Maya scene, onto a 2D canvas, or onto a specific surface. With preparation, you can render Paint Effects with Maya Software or mental ray. However, the true power of Paint Effects lies in your ability to adjust hundreds of attributes to create an almost inexhaustible number of permutations. Surface quality, shadow-casting, built-in dynamic animation, and growth patterns are all adjustable.


  1.  Adding Foliage, Fire, and Smoke with Paint Effects
  2. Growing Short Hair, Long Hair, Grass, and Electric Arcs with Fur and nHair
  3. Creating Water, Smoke, and Sparks with nParticles
  4. Generating nParticle Swarms and Bubble Masses with Expressions and MEL Scripting
  5. Simulating Semi-Rigid and Rigid Debris with Python, PyMEL, and nCloth
  6. Producing Dust Puffs, Fog, Trailing Smoke, and Fireballs with Rigid and Fluid Dynamics
  7. Animating Fire, Water, and Damage with Effects, Fluid Effects, Deformers, and Textures
  8. Building Reference Models and Motion Tracking with Maya and MatchMover
  9. Combining nCloth, nParticles, and Fluid Effects to Create Complex Destruction
  10. Preparing, Rendering, and Combining Render Passes

Download PDF CORPORATE FINANCE THEORY AND PRACTICE Second Edition by Pierre Vernimmen


For some Vernimmen readers, this will be your first financial crisis. It’s not the first we’ve seen and it won’t be the last. One thing we can be sure of, though, is that as long as the human species continues to inhabit planet Earth, we will continue to see the rise of speculative bubbles which will inevitably burst and financial crises will follow, as sure as night follows day.
Human nature being what it is, we are not cold, disembodied, perfectly rational beings as all of those very useful but highly simplified models would have us believe. Human beings are often prone to sloth, greed and fear, three key elements for creating a fertile environment in which bubbles and crises flourish. Behavioural finance (see p. 274) does make it easier to create more realistic models of choices and decisions made by individuals and to predict the occurrence of excessive euphoria or irrational gloom or to explain it after it has occurred (which is always easier!). But behavioural finance is in its infancy and researchers in this field still have a lot of work ahead of them. The origin of the financial crisis that began in 2007 is a textbook case. What we have here are greedy investors seeking increasingly higher returns, who are never satisfied when they have enough and always want more. It’s a pity that there are people like that about, but there you go.
So, banks started granting mortgages to people who had in the past not qualified for a mortgage, convinced that if, in the (likely) event that these borrowers on precarious incomes were unable to meet their repayments, the properties could be sold and the mortgage paid off, since there was only one way property prices could go and that was up − remember? This created a whole class of subprime borrowers. Along the same lines, LBOs were carried out with debt at increasingly higher multiples of the target’s EBITDA (see p. 926) and with capitalised interest, as the financial structuring was so tight that the target was unable to pay its financial expenses. This meant that virtually all of the debt could only be repaid when the company was sold. Subprimes were introduced into high quality bond or money market funds in order to boost their performances without altering the description of the mutual funds.With the official approval of the regulator, bank assets were transferred to special purpose deconsolidated vehicles (SIVs) where they could be financed using more debt than was allowed under the regulations. Banks could thus boost their earnings and returns by using the leverage effect (see p. 235).
In finance, risk and return are two sides of the same coin. Higher returns can only be achieved at the price of higher risk. And if the risks are higher, the likelihood of them materialising is higher too. This is a fact of life you should never forget or you may live to regret it sorely (see Chapter 21).


  9. VALUE



Welcome to our book about what we believe to be the most important topic in information security for the foreseeable future: software security. In the following sections, we will cover five major topics that highlight the need, value, and challenges of software security. This will set the stage for the remainder of the book, where we describe our model for software security: building security into your software using an operationally relevant and manageable security development lifecycle (SDL) that is applicable to all software development lifecycles (SDLCs). The topics and reasons for including them in this introductory chapter are listed below.

  1. The importance and relevance of software security. Software is critical to everything we do in the modern world and is behind our most critical systems. As such, it is imperative that it be secure by design. Most information technology (IT)-related security solutions have been developed to mitigate the risk caused by insecure software. To justify a software security program, the importance and relevance of the monetary costs and other risks for not building security into your software must be known, as well as the importance, relevance,  and costs for building security in. At the end of the day, software security is as much a business decision as it is about avoiding security risks.
  2. Software security and the software development lifecycle. It is important to know the difference between what are generally known in software development as software security and application security. Although these terms are often used interchangeably, we differentiate between them because we believe there is a distinct difference in managing programs for these two purposes. In our model, software security is about building security into the software through a SDL in an SDLC, whereas application security is about protecting the software and the systems on which it runs after release.
  3.  Quality versus secure code. Although secure code is not necessarily quality code, and quality code is not necessarily secure code, the development process for producing software is based on the principles of both quality and secure code. You cannot have quality code without security or security without quality, and their attributes complement each other. At a minimum, quality and software security programs should be collaborating closely during the development process; ideally, they should be part of the same organization and both part of the software development engineering department. We will discuss this organizational and operational perspective later in the book.
  4. The three most important SDL security goals. At the core of all software security analysis and implementation are three core elements of security: confidentiality, integrity, and availability, also known as the C.I.A. model. To ensure high confidence that the software being developed is secure, these three attributes must be adhered to as key components throughout the SDL.
  5. Threat modeling and attack surface validation. The most timeconsuming and misunderstood part of the SDL is threat modeling and attack surface validation. In today’s world of Agile development, you must get this right or you will likely fail to make your software secure. Threat modeling and attack surface validation throughout  the SDL will maximize your potential to alleviate post-release discovery of security vulnerabilities in your software product. We believe this function to be so important that we have dedicated a SDL section and a separate chapter to this topic.


  1.  Introduction
  2. The Secure Development Lifecycle
  3. Security Assessment (A1): SDL Activities and Best Practices
  4. Architecture (A2): SDL Activities and Best Practices
  5. Design and Development (A3): SDL Activities and Best Practices
  6. Design and Development (A4): SDL Activities and Best Practices
  7. Ship (A5): SDL Activities and Best Practices
  8. Post-Release Support (PRSA1–5)
  9. Applying the SDL Framework to the Real World
  10. Pulling It All Together: Using the SDL to Prevent Real-World Threats

Download PDF CWAP® Certified Wireless Analysis Professional Official Study Guide by David A. Westcott


If you have ever prepared to take a certifi cation test for a technology that you are unfamiliar with, you know that you are not only studying to learn a different technology but probably also learning about an industry that you are unfamiliar with. Read on, and we will tell you about CWNP.
CWNP is an abbreviation for Certified Wireless Network Professional. There is no CWNP test. The CWNP program develops courseware and certifi cation exams for wireless LAN technologies in the computer networking industry. The CWNP certifi cation program is a vendor-neutral program.

The objective of CWNP is to certify people on wireless networking, not on a specific vendor’s product. Yes, at times the authors of this book and the creators of the certifi cation will talk about, demonstrate, or even teach how to use a specifi c product; however, the  goal is the overall understanding of wireless, not the product itself. If you learned to drive a car, you had to physically sit and practice in one. When you think back and reminisce, you probably do not tell someone you learned to drive a Ford; you probably say you learned to drive using a Ford.
There are seven wireless certifications offered by the CWNP program:
CWTS: Certified Wireless Technology Specialist The CWTS certification is an entry-level enterprise WLAN certification and a recommended prerequisite for the CWNA certification. This certification is geared specifically toward WLAN sales professionals, project managers, networkers, and support staff who are new to enterprise Wi-Fi.
CWNA: Certified Wireless Network Administrator The CWNA certification is a foundation-level Wi-Fi certification; however, it is not considered an entry-level technology certification. Individuals taking this exam (exam PW0-104) typically have a solid grasp on network basics such as the OSI model, IP addressing, PC hardware, and network operating systems. Many candidates already hold other industry-recognized certifications, such as the CompTIA Network+ or Cisco CCNA, and are looking for the CWNA certification to enhance or complement existing skills.
CWSP: Certified Wireless Security Professional The CWSP certification exam (PW0-200) is focused on standards-based wireless security protocols, security policy, and secure wireless network design. This certification introduces candidates to many of the technologies and techniques that intruders use to compromise wireless networks and that administrators use to protect wireless networks. With recent advances in wireless security, WLANs can be secured beyond their wired counterparts.
CWDP: Certified Wireless Design Professional The CWDP certification exam (PW0-250) is a professional-level career certification for networkers who are already CWNA certified and have a thorough understanding of RF technologies and applications of 802.11 networks. This certification prepares WLAN professionals to properly design wireless LANs for different applications to perform optimally in different environments.
CWAP: Certified Wireless Analysis Professional The CWAP certification exam (PW0-270) is a professional-level career certification for networkers who are already CWNA certified and have a thorough understanding of RF technologies and applications of 802.11 networks. This certification prepares WLAN professionals to be able to perform, interpret, and understand wireless packet and spectrum analysis.
CWNE: Certified Wireless Network Expert The CWNE certification is the highest-level certification in the CWNP program. By successfully completing the CWNE requirements, you will have demonstrated that you have the most advanced skills available in today’s wireless LAN market. The CWNE exam (PW0-300) focuses on advanced WLAN analysis, design, troubleshooting, QoS mechanisms, spectrum management, and extensive knowledge of the IEEE 802.11 standard as amended.


  1.  802.11 Overview
  2. 802.11 Physical (PHY) Layer Frame Format
  3. 802.11 MAC Sublayer Frame Format
  4. 802.11 Management Frames
  5. 802.11 Control Frames
  6. Data Frames
  7. 802.11 Medium Contention
  8. Power Management
  9. 802.11 Security
  10. 802.11n HT Analysis
  11. Spectrum Analysis
  12. Protocol Analyzer Operation and Troubleshooting