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Download PDF Microsoft® Office AccessTM 2007: The Complete Reference by Virginia Andersen


In this, the Information Age, we are surrounded by mountains of data. To use this data effectively, the information must be stored in such a way that it can be retrieved and interpreted with flexibility and efficiency. Microsoft Office Access 2007 is a top-notch database management system that you can use for all your information management needs—from a simple address list to a complex inventory management system. It provides tools not only for storing and retrieving data, but also for creating useful forms and reports, and sharing your database with others. All you need is a basic acquaintance with Microsoft Windows and a sense of exploration to build the database you need.
This chapter shows you how to start Microsoft Office Access 2007 and provides a tour of the Access work place. If you’re an experienced user, you will be amazed at the new, visually upgraded user interface.

Starting Access and Opening a Database
You can start most software built for the Windows environment in the same way: by clicking the Start button and pointing to Programs in the Start menu. Depending on how you installed Access 2007, the name might appear as a separate item in the Programs (or All Programs, if you’re using Windows XP) list or as one of the programs in the Microsoft Office menu. If you don’t see Microsoft Access in the Programs list, choose Microsoft Office, and then click
Microsoft Access 2007.
The Getting Started with Microsoft Office Access window, where your session begins, appears with four options (see Figure 1-1):
  • Start a new database with one of the Access templates. The left pane lists available templates and samples.
  • Start with a new blank database.
  • Connect to Microsoft Office Online. The database templates offered online may differ each time you start Access.
  • Select a recently used database from the list in the right pane (no doubt your list will be different).


  1. Getting Started
  2. Quick Tour of Microsoft Offi ce Access 2007 
  3. The World of Relational Databases 
  4. Creating a Database
  5. Creating and Modifying Tables
  6. Relating Tables
  7. Entering and Editing Data
  8. Retrieving and Presenting Information
  9. Sorting, Filtering, and Printing Records
  10. Extracting Information with Querie
  11. Creating Advanced Queries
  12. Creating Form and Report Designs
  13. Using the Form Tools
  14. Customizing Forms
  15. Using the Report Wizard
  16. Customizing Reports
  17. Creating Charts and Graphs
  18. Improving the Workplace
  19. Customizing the Workplace
  20. Improving Database Performance
  21. Understanding Events and the Event Model
  22. Automating with Macros
  23. Customizing the User Interface
  24. Customizing the Navigation Pane and Creating Switchboards
  25. Exchange Data with Others
  26. Exchange Database Objects and Text
  27. Exchanging Data with Outside Sources
  28. Sharing with Multiple Users
  29. Secure a Database

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